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Data Champion Award

The vision of the Indiana Family & Social Services Administration is that “all Hoosiers live in fully engaged communities and reach their greatest emotional, mental and physical well-being.” FSSA strives to compassionately serve Hoosiers through the delivery of critical programs and services.

Effective and strategic use of data to make informed decisions gives FSSA the chance to continuously improve the programs and services provided to Hoosiers to help ensure their health and well-being. But the path to successful data use can be challenging. Successful data sharing, analysis and application often requires users to boldly suggest new and innovative approaches to solving problems, to learn new tools or processes, and to foster a culture of inquiry which may challenge the status quo. In short, putting data to work for Hoosiers often requires FSSA staff to display vision, imagination and courage.

To recognize FSSA staff that are dedicated to the use of data in service of their fellow Hoosiers, the Office of the Secretary in collaboration with the FSSA Data and Analytics Team has established the Data Champion Award.
The Data Champion Award will be given to an individual FSSA staff member or team that has demonstrated excellence in service to Hoosiers through one of the following data-driven accomplishments:

  • Innovating with Data: Effectively used data in a new or innovative way to address an identified problem or improve an FSSA program.
  • Application of Data-Driven Decision:  Demonstrated how the application and/or consideration of real-world data impacted or altered the course of a project or program.
  • Developing Data-Driven Skills: Made significant progress in learning and implementing a new data tool or process or who took the initiative to help other FSSA staff improve their data skills or processes.
  • Adopting/Building a Culture of Data: Motivated other team members to rally behind FSSA's data-driven decision-making initiative or who took initiative to improve usability or accessibility of FSSA data throughout the agency.

Nominations for the Data Champion Award can be made by anyone within FSSA at any time. A simple nomination form is available at: https://infssa.az1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_bI9CnKzhC1DE1Js

Nominations will be reviewed by the agency’s chief data officer and the Office of the Secretary. All nominees will be recognized for their outstanding achievements, and one winner will be selected quarterly.

By recognizing staff and teams across the agency, FSSA hopes to continue promoting a strong data-driven culture that results in improved programs and effective, efficient service delivery and, ultimately, better health outcomes for all Hoosiers.