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Dr. Dan will eat something hot for SECC!

The State Employees’ Community Campaign kicked off on Sept. 1, 2022, with FSSA having a goal of raising $150,000 for our favorite charities. As of, Oct.07,2022, we have surpassed that amount having raised over $153,800. Last year when we met our goal, Dr. Dan ate a bug, you can rewatch it here.

This year, he has heroically volunteered to eat a hot pepper, or a hot sauce made from the pepper, depending on what we can find. The type of pepper, and how hot it is, will be determined by the amount raised by the end of the campaign on Oct. 31. 2022.  
Pepper goal amounts:

  • $150,000 – Jalapeno (10,000 SHU*)
  • $175,000 – Habanero (350,000 SHU)
  • $200,000 - Ghost pepper (1,041,427 SHU)

If you would like to donate to help turn up the heat on Dan, you may do so with a payroll deduction, or one-time donation by electronic check or credit/debit card. To learn more on how to donate, please visit the SECC Hub page or the SECC donation page. Contractors may also make a one-time donation by clicking here.

* SHU = Scoville Heat Units. The higher the number the hotter the pepper. You can learn more about this rating scale by clicking here.