June all-staff address: A panel discussion on mental health
On Thursday June 29, 2023, FSSA Secretary Dan Rusyniak will host a panel discussion with DMHA staff on mental health and related topics in the Indiana Government Center South Auditorium from 11:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. EST. Mental health infrastructure is one of the three FSSA priorities for 2023 and the discussion will provide the opportunity for DMHA to share achievements and program updates.
The address will also be live streamed on the FSSA YouTube channel, link below, and the presentation will also be recorded and available via The Hub. If there are topics or questions you would like Dan to address, please submit them to, no later than noon on Tuesday, June 27, and he will try to address as many of them as practical during the discussion.
FSSA all-staff address:
Thursday, June 29, 2023, 11:30 a.m. – 12:30 p.m. EST - Indiana Government Center South Auditorium. Live stream the address by clicking here.
June 29, 2023, FSSA All Staff Meeting
For deaf and hard of hearing guests who wish to see American Sign Language interpretation:
Join Zoom Meeting by clicking here.
Meeting ID: 871 4106 7121
Passcode: 197817
- .Click the Interpretation icon (Globe)
- Select “American Sign Language”
- A new window will pop-up with the ASL Interpreter.
- You can resize and reposition this window as desired.
Note: The Interpretation icon (Globe) will not appear until the ASL interpreter is assigned. Please standby until the icon appears
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4. Click the Show Captions icon.