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OHO Teams and Activities

The Office of Healthy Opportunities aims to create an inclusive culture for FSSA employees to support equitable programs and policies for the communities we serve. Our initiatives are supported by teams working on OHO focus areas: accountability & evidence, community engagement, policy & program design, and workforce development. Each team has FSSA staff who represent several divisions and levels of management.

Interested in participating in a team or activity? Please submit your interest form or email healthyopportunities@fssa.in.gov if you have questions.


  • Accessibility Team
    • Purpose: Support disability-related issues to create accessible and inclusive workplace and services for FSSA employees and constituents.
    • Activities for this group may include: engaging in learning opportunities and providing guidance on ADA strategic planning and 508 compliance.
  • Community Engagement Team
    • Purpose: Provide guidance and oversight to FSSA community engagement efforts and ensure representation of community voice in FSSA’s work, with an emphasis on underserved populations.
    • Activities for this group may include: engaging in learning opportunities and developing structures that help increase awareness of community need and FSSA programs/services.
  • Policy & Program Design Team
    • Purpose: Assess relevant policies, programs, and practices that may contribute to disparities and inequities for FSSA service populations.
    • Activities for this group may include: engaging in learning opportunities, supporting policy and program, and presenting policy recommendations.
  • Workforce Development Team
    • Purpose: Improve employee experiences and provide capacity building materials to educate FSSA staff on how to promote health equity in their work and effectively serve diverse communities.
    • Activities for this group may include: engaging in learning opportunities, identifying workforce development gaps at FSSA, and informing development of OHO capacity building resources.

Staff Engagement

The following are expectations for staff who participate in OHO Teams:

  • About 2–4 hours of engagement a month with their team (includes meetings and action item follow up).
  • Active participation in meetings and provide updates of division-specific resources and initiatives.
  • Respond to emails and complete mutually agreed upon action items in a timely manner to support progress on team projects.
  • Help disseminate and promote important information pertaining to OHO.