What are the eligibility requirements?
Landowners can offer eligible cropland in all 92 counties in the following watersheds:
- Auglaize and St. Marys Watersheds
- Blue-Sinking Watershed
- Chicago Watershed
- Driftwood Watershed
- Flatrock-Haw Watershed
- Highland-Pigeon and Lower Wabash Watersheds
- Iroquois Watershed
- Kankakee Watershed
- Little Calumet-Galien Watershed
- Lower East Fork White Watershed
- Lower Eel River (White) Watershed
- Lower Great Miami, Upper Great Miami and Whitewater Watersheds
- Lower Ohio-Little Pigeon Watershed
- Lower White Watershed
- Maumee and St. Joseph (Ohio) Watersheds
- Middle Ohio-Laughery Watershed
- Middle Wabash-Busseron Watershed
- Middle Wabash-Deer Watershed
- Middle Wabash-Little Vermillion Watershed
- Mississinewa Watershed
- Muscatatuk Watershed
- Patoka Watershed
- Salamonie Watershed
- Silver-Little Kentucky Watershed
- St. Joseph (Michigan) Watershed
- Sugar Creek Watershed
- Tippecanoe Watershed
- Upper East Fork White Watershed
- Upper Eel River (Wabash) Watershed
- Upper Wabash Watershed
- Upper White Watershed
- Vermillion Watershed
- Wildcat Creek Watershed
Sign –up and Eligibility Requirements
Enrollment is continuous anytime throughout the year. Cropland must meet cropping history criteria and be physically and legally capable of being cropped in a normal manner. Persons who have acreage under an existing CRP contract or an approved offer with a contract pending are ineligible for CREP on that acreage until that contract expires. Other requirements may also apply. Interested producers should contact their local Farm Service Agency (FSA) office for specific information regarding their eligibility for CREP.
How to Enroll in Indiana CREP?
Requirements for Enrolling
Sign up for the Indiana CREP began July 18, 2005 and will continue until enrollment goals are attained. Landowners may enroll any amount of eligible cropland in the voluntary federal and state program for a contract period of 14-15 years.
Installation of conservation practices must be completed within 12 months of the federal CREP contract effective date.
Once enrolled in the CREP program the land cannot be developed (ie. no permanent structures or roads may be built). Existing abandoned structures and roads may remain if approved by DNR.
During the life of the contract, landowners must follow the Conservation Plan of Operation and land cannot go back into row crops or agricultural uses. The landowners retain the right to recreational use of their property providing it does not negatively impact the practices or cover established.
The state CREP contract is attached to the land deed; thus, a producer who purchases land enrolled in an active state CREP contract is required to participate in the program or refund state money paid to date and incur other penalties.
Steps for enrollment in a CREP Contract
- To enroll in the CREP program contact an ISDA Resource Specialist or local Farm Service Agency. CREP has a continuous enrollment process.
- A site visit of the land you want to enroll in the program will be scheduled.
- Land will be verified for eligibility and eligibility of conservation practices will be determined.
- An implementation plan will be drafted by technical staff.
- Landowner will be provided an analysis of rental payment, cost-share and incentive payments.
- A formal contract will be drawn and signed at the Farm Service Agency office.
- Contract has to be approved by FSA County Committee.
- Sign a completed state CREP enrollment form.
- CREP enrollment form will be sent to ISDA for approval.
Resource Specialists
Auglaize Watershed Lindsey Bluhm | (260) 301-1369 | Blue-Sinking Watershed Mike Johnson | (812) 620-5195 |
Chicago Watershed Courtney McFall | (317) 502-6397 | Driftwood Watershed Cassidy Perkins | (812) 318-4762 |
Flatrock-Haw Watershed Cassidy Perkins | (812) 318-4762 | Highland-Pigeon Watershed Megan Ritterskamp | (812) 698-2278 |
Iroquois Watershed Courtney McFall | (317) 502-6397 | Kankakee Watershed Julie Morris | (219) 869-9123 |
Little Calumet-Galien Watershed Julie Morris | (219) 869-9123 | Lower East Fork White Watershed Don Ryan | (812) 698-2679 |
Lower Eel River (White) Watershed Billy Pigg | (317) 741-0979 | Lower Great Miami Watershed Vacant |
Lower Ohio-Little Pigeon Watershed Andrea Gogel | (812) 480-1498 | Lower Wabash Watershed Megan Ritterskamp | (812) 698-2278 |
Lower White Watershed Allison McKain | (317) 473-5439 | Maumee Watershed Kate Sanders | (260) 417-1313 |
Middle Ohio-Laughery Watershed Mark Thomas | (812) 599-8964 | Middle Wabash-Busseron Watershed Holden Abrell |
Middle Wabash-Deer Watershed Jessica Hatt | (463) 245-7676 | Middle Wabash-Little Vermillion Watershed George Reger | (765) 577-0367 |
Mississinewa Watershed Vacant | Muscatatuk Watershed Jennifer Rowland | (317) 650-6350 |
Patoka Watershed Colson Doyle | (812) 489-4021 | Salamonie Watershed Vacant |
Silver-Little Kentucky Watershed Mike Johnson | (812) 620-5195 | St. Joseph (Michigan) Watershed Heath Hurst | (317) 800-1700 |
St. Joseph (Ohio) Watershed Kate Sanders | (260) 417-1313 | St. Marys Watershed Lindsey Bluhm | (260) 301-1369 |
Sugar Creek Watershed George Reger | (765) 577-0367 | Tippecanoe Watershed Chris Gardner | (260) 341-6548 |
Upper East Fork White Watershed Mark Thomas | (812) 599-8964 | Upper Eel River (Wabash) Watershed Vacant |
Upper Great Miami Watershed Vacant | Upper Wabash Watershed Heath Hurst | (317) 800-1700 |
Upper White Watershed Matt Williams | (260) 420-1087 | Vermillion Watershed George Reger | (765) 577-0367 |
Whitewater Watersheds Vacant | Wildcat Creek Watershed Jessica Hatt | (463) 245-7676 |