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Work Zone Safety Awareness

April is Distracted Driving Awareness Month. The Indiana Department of Transportation has created a video urging motorists to avoid distractions when driving. To watch the video, click here.

This is the time of year when highway work crews are busy repairing roadways throughout Indiana. As work crews make Hoosier roadways safer, the Indiana State Police reminds motorists to do likewise by using caution and reducing your speed as you travel through work zones. Reckless driving in a work zone is not only a life threatening hazard to highway workers; it often proves deadly to motorists.

The Indiana State Police encourages all motorists to drive responsibly and to voluntarily comply with Indiana’s traffic laws. Help keep construction zones safe by following these tips:

  • Watch for Signs: Watch for orange “Road Construction Ahead” signs and be prepared for stopped or slowing traffic. Follow all lane restrictions as posted.
  • Don't tailgate: Most injuries and deaths in work zones are caused by rear-end collisions. Obey speed limits, don't tailgate and keep your brakes maintained so you can stop in time.
  • Use your signals: Signal all lane changes. Do not cut other vehicles off or change lanes across solid white lines.
  • Buckle up: Make sure all occupants in your vehicle are properly secured with a seat belt or child safety seat. Seat belts save lives and help prevent minor crashes from becoming major catastrophes.
  • Don't drive distracted: Do not engage in distracting behavior such as talking on a cell phone, texting, changing radio stations, eating, applying makeup, or talking to passengers.

Avoid congested road conditions often associated with construction zones by seeking alternate routes of travel. Learn the locations of road construction zones before you depart by visiting the Indiana Department of Transportation (INDOT) TrafficWise page at or calling 1-800-261-ROAD (7623).

For more work zone safety information, visit INDOT's Work Zone Safety page at