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Case Number 24F-1905

Darlene Hulse

Case Date: 08/17/1984

Age: 28

Sex: Female

Race: Caucasian

County: Marshall

Location of Offense: Found in a wooded area about six miles west of her home.

Circumstances: On August 17, 1984 there was a knock on Darlene Hulse's door. When she answered the door, a man came in and a struggle started. By the time police arrived, Darlene was gone. Darlene's body was found the next day in a patch of woods 6 miles from her home.

Suspect Description

CC Suspect

    Male in his 20s
    Clean, Combed Over Blonde Hair
    Clean Shaven
    Long Face
    Long Nose

Vehicle Description

CC Vehicle Description

    70s Style 4-Door
    Greenish in Color

Anyone with information concerning any of these cases, please contact:

Indiana State Police
District Investigative Commander
1425 Miami Highway
Bremen, IN 46506
1.574.546.4900 or 1.800.552.2959