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Resources for Subrecipients

A subrecipient is a non-Federal entity that receives a subaward from a state agency to carry out part of a Federal program. An example is a State Agency providing grant funding to a school or a local unit of government to carry out a program. In this example, the school or local unit of government is a subrecipient.

An applicant is a non-Federal entity that applies for a subaward from a state agency. That entity is an applicant until the state agency awards the subaward to that entity.

An individual that is a beneficiary of a Federal program is not a subrecipient.

A contractor is an entity that receives a contract by which the state agency purchases property or services needed to carry out the project or program under the Federal award.  A contractor is not a subrecipient. A contractor is selected through the State of Indiana procurement process.

Once you have your eCivis Grants Portal account set up, you can apply for funding.  Each Indiana state agency will design their funding solicitation according to their program requirements.

User Guides
Solicitation, Application, and Budget

Quick Reference Sheets
Review Solicitation & Submit Application

Training Videos
Setting up Portal
Changing Portal Account Settings
Searching for Funding Opportunities
Submitting Application for Funding

Refresh your browser to return to the list of solicitations.

Indiana state agency subrecipients will manage their grants within the eCivis Grants Portal.  This includes all activity reports, financial reports, goals tracking, and other management activities required by the granting agency.

User Guides
Award & Management for Subrecipients

Quick Reference Sheets
Responding to & Managing an Award
Submitting Activity & Financial Reports
Grant Amendments

Training Videos
Accepting a Grant Award
Activity Reports
Financial Reports
Post-Award Management

Subrecipients have their own responsibilities to meet to ensure that management of the entire grants lifecycle is intentional, deliberate, strategic, and disciplined.  Properly closing out a grant is an important part of responsible grant management.

User Guides
Grant Award Closeout

Quick Reference Sheets
Award Closeout

Training Videos
Coming soon...

Frequently Asked Questions


Reference Material - Applying for Funding

User Guides
Solicitation, Application, and Budget

Quick Reference Sheets
Review Solicitation & Submit Application

Training Videos
Setting up Portal
Changing Portal Account Settings
Searching for Funding Opportunities
Submitting Application for Funding

Reference Material - Award Management

User Guides
Award & Management for Subrecipients

Quick Reference Sheets
Responding to & Managing an Award
Submitting Activity & Financial Reports
Grant Amendments

Training Videos
Accepting a Grant Award
Activity Reports
Financial Reports
Post-Award Management

Reference Material - Grant Closeout

User Guides
Grant Award Closeout

Quick Reference Sheets
Award Closeout

Training Videos
Coming soon...