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Resources for State Agencies - Grantee

This graphic provides a visual overview of the grants lifecycle at the State of Indiana specific to when agencies serve as a Grantee. It denotes stages that mimic those of the eCivis Grants Network, which involve specific processes and roles for Indiana state agencies.   Before an agency is awarded a grant it is considered to be in Grantee Pre-Award, which includes Under Consideration, Application Preparation, and Application Submission. Once an agency has been notified of a grant award, it progresses into Grantee Post-Award, which includes Grant Awarded, Implementation, and Closeout eCivis stages.

The first stage of the Grantee Lifecycle is called Under Consideration, which includes searching for grants of interest, or creating Organization Funding, so an eCivis Project can be created. Then a Project Team should be built to include members who would need access to the eCivis Project. 

A unique feature of Indiana’s Grants Network is the ability to search for new funding opportunities from federal and private sources.  Agencies can use the eCivis Research functions to find new grants.  Agencies can also use the eCivis Research functions to easily locate existing grants. Once an agency has found a grant it wants to consider, the agency will save/assign the grant to a new project in eCivis and select the Under Consideration stage in eCivis.

User Guides: 
Grant Search to Application Submission

Quick Reference Sheets:
Finding and Saving Grants

Training Videos:
Finding and Saving Grants

In the Application Preparation stage, Indiana State Agencies develop their proposed grant program & associated finance, as well as establish goals & metrics. Prior to submitting their application to a potential funder, agencies must get approval from the State Budget Agency, or “SBA”, so they send the eCivis Project to their SBA Budget Analyst for review, & then on to the SBA Grants Team for their final approval.

Under IC 4-3-24-5, state agencies must receive approval from SBA to apply for federal grants.  Agencies will use the Application Preparation stage in eCivis to request SBA approval.  Once approval is received, the grant will move to the Application Submitted stage.

User Guides:
Grant Search to Application Submission

Quick Reference Sheets:
Create an eCivis Project
Managing an eCivis Project Team
Submitting a Request for Approval

Training Videos:
Create an eCivis Project
Managing an eCivis Project Team
Submitting a Request for Approval

Upon acquiring approval from SBA to pursue the grant in question, agencies enter the Application Submission stage, when they develop their final application & submit it to a potential funder, also known as a grantor, & share an upload of the final application for SBA Review. 

Once approval is received from SBA, the grant will move to the Application Submitted stage. In this stage agencies will develop final application and submit their application to the potential funder or grantor.

User Guides:
Grant Search to Application Submission

Quick Reference Sheets:
Create an eCivis Project
Managing an eCivis Project Team
Submitting a Request for Approval

Training Videos:
Create an eCivis Project
Managing an eCivis Project Team
Submitting a Request for Approval

 If an Indiana State Agency receives notification their application has been awarded a grant, they will update their eCivis Project to the Grant Awarded stage, upload the grant award letter or notification, & update the Project's Grant Lifecycle Information. This is also the stage in which a Funding Source is requested, and Budget Journals are completed, including Allot Control. If applicable, agencies can request State Match, Substate Transfers (including attachment of the associated MOU), & submitting grant amendments. 

With the award notice in hand, an agency is now ready to manage the grant.  The grant will move to the Grant Awarded stage in eCivis, and the agency will begin management activities such as obtaining a federal funding source, requesting state match and substate transfers, creating goals and metrics, and building project budgets.

User Guides:
Grant Awarded through Implementation

Managing State-Funded Grants in eCivis

Quick Reference Sheets:
Updating Grant Status to Grant Awarded
Funding Source Request Form Submission
State Match Project & Request Submission
Substate Transfer Submission

Training Videos:
Updating Grant Status to Grant Awarded
Funding Source Request form Submission 
State Match Project & Request Submission

Federal Funding Source Request Form
State Match Form
Subgrant Request (MOU) Form

The final stages in eCivis Grants Network are Grant Implementation & Closeout, which include monthly & Quarterly Reconciliation prior to completing closeout tasks. If a grant will be used for pass-through funding to Subrecipients, though, an agency becomes a Grantor & will also be responsible for creating a solicitation, reviewing applications, award Subrecipients, & Subrecipient Monitoring before closeout can begin. 

Once an agency has completed its program and is ready to closeout a grant, the grant will move to the Grant Closeout stage in eCivis.  Properly closing out a grant is a critical final step in effective grants management.

User Guides:
Grant Closeout in eCivis and PeopleSoft

Quick Reference Sheets:
Grant Closeout in eCivis and PeopleSoft

Training Videos:
Coming soon...

Federal Funding Source Request Form