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Building & Fence Permits

Building permits must be obtained during a Town Board Meeting. Board Meetings are usually the 2nd Thursday of every month, please see the Events tab for future Board Meetings. The Meetings are held at Town Hall located at 124 S. Main St, Sharpsville, IN 46068 at 5:30pm.

You must call the Clerk-Treasurer to get on the Agenda for the next Meeting.

You may need to contact the Tipton County Surveyor if you are unsure on your property lines. GIS system run by Beacon can be a resource, but does not have exact property lines. The Police Department cannot find exact property lines. For property boundary disputes, please call the Tipton County Surveyor at (765) 675-2793.

You must call 811 before you dig.

What to bring with you to the Board Meeting:

  1. Your application (Building or Fence) and Neighbor Acknowledgement Form
  2. A site plan of your building or fence, including lot dimensions
  3. $25 for a building permit or $10 for a fence permit, via cash or check made to Town of Sharpsville, or a One Time ACH Withdraw form

Things to consider before applying for a permit:

  • Minimum lot size to be 50 feet wide by 100 feet deep (section 2.3)
  • All buildings, on any lot, shall not cover more than 35% of the area of the lot (section 2.4.A)
  • Ground floor area of any detached single family dwelling shall not be less than 840 square feet (section 2.4.C)
  • In no case shall the front yard depth be less than 25 feet, or the average depth of the adjoining front yards, whichever is lesser (section 2.5.2)
  • A six foot set-back required for all side yards (section 2.7.1)
  • The rear yard requires a 3 foot set-back from the rear lot line, or 6 feet from any other structure on the same or adjacent lots (section 2.6.B)
  • Things to Know Before You Dig