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State Forests Carbon Dashboard

  • Forestry
  • Current: State Forests Carbon Dashboard

Forestry Management Dashboards

State Forests

Tree growth, removal and mortality. Species diameter and class. Invasive species.


Classified Forests

Tree growth, removal and mortality. Species diameter and class. Invasive species.


Carbon in State Forests

Trends in carbon capture.


Carbon in Classified Forests

Trends in carbon capture.


Carbon in State Forests

These dashboards provide an overview of the State Forest Carbon data in Indiana such as year-over-year comparisons and an in-depth analysis based on the age range of the trees. They also show the various species across the diameter classes in the forests as well as the impact of the different types of forest on carbon sequestration. Examples of the questions that can be answered with these dashboards include:

  • How does the carbon distribution vary across the different types over time?
  • How does the year-over-year change across the type, state forest and overall, for carbon sequestered?
  • What was the age range analysis for carbon sequestered for Clark State Forest in 2019?
  • What were the top 10 forest types on Harrison-Crawford State Forest in 2020?
  • What was the carbon distribution for the forest type Aspen in 2022?
  • What are the top 10 species in Morgan-Monroe State Forest?
  • How does the species distribution across the diameter of the trees compare?
  • What is the oak, maple and cherry species distribution for live trees?
  • Glossary
    • Age Range: Different classes of age range ranging from 0 to 184 years.
    • Aboveground Live: Carbon in live trees and saplings aboveground on forestland measured in short tons.
    • Belowground Live: Carbon in live trees and saplings belowground on forestland measured in short tons.
    • Diameter Class: Different classes of diameter of the tree measured in inches.
    • Down Dead: Carbon in down-dead trees on forestland measured in short tons.
    • Forest Floor: Carbon in litter on forestland measured in short tons.
    • Forest Type: Different types of forest species like aspen, oaks, etc.
    • Soil: Soil organic carbon on forestland measured in short tons.
    • Species/Species group: Different tree species/group of tree species.
    • Species group major: Softwoods and hardwoods.
    • Standing Dead: Carbon in standing dead trees on forestland measured in short tons.
    • Tree Type: Considering live, removals and standing dead tree types.
    • Type: Different ways/regions of carbon sequestration in the forest.
    • Understory Above: Carbon in understory aboveground on forestland measured in short tons.
    • Understory Below: Carbon in understory belowground on forestland measured in short tons.

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