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Benchmarks for Indiana

Interactive Map for DNR and USGS

State Map


Ohio River Datum (also known as Sandy Hook Datum)

To search for more horizontal and vertical control information visit the National geodetic Survey.

INDOT Benchmarks (317) 610-7251 ext. 290
USGS Benchmarks (573)308-3500
Toll Free (888)ASK-USGS

Harrison countyCrawford countyPerry countySpencer countySteuben countyWayne countyShelby countyPutnam countyParke countyVermillion countyWarren countyVanderburgh countyRipley countyJennings countyJackson countyDaviess countyJohnson countyMarion countyHamilton countyMadison countyGrant countyAdams countyHuntington countyWhite countyAllen countyWhitley countyFulton countyDeKalb countyStarke countyLake countyDearborn countyFayette countyHendricks countyHancock countyMonroe countyPosey countyWarrick countyHarrison countyFloyd countyClark countyScott countySwitzerland countyJefferson countyWashington countyOrange countyDubois countyPike countyGibson countyOhio countyLawrence countyMartin countyKnox countyBartholomew countyDecatur countySullivan countyBrown countyClay countyVigo countyOwen countyFranklin countyMorgan countyRush countyUnion county
            alt=Howard countyWells countyClinton countyMiami countyMontgomery countyRandolph countyTipton countyHuntington countyJay countyWabash countyKosciusko countyNoble countyMarshall countyPulaski countyNewton countyHenry countyGreene countyDelaware countyBoone countyJasper countyFountain countyBenton countyBlackford countyCass countyCarroll countyPorter CountyLaPorte countySt. Joseph countyElkhart countyLagrange county

Below is a list of USGS Quadrangle pdf maps showing the benchmark locations.


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