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IEDSS to Launch in April

To help them better serve their members, on April 29, 2019, the Division of Family Resources will be piloting the Indiana Eligibility Determination Services System.

IEDSS is a new, modern eligibility system that will improve the processes of administering and making eligibility determinations for programs such as SNAP, TANF, and health coverage. IEDSS is the result of the state’s investment in technology and aspirations to improve services for constituents.  The new technology will streamline case processing for DFR staff and enhance services provided to clients.

“We anticipate this being a seamless, invisible conversion for members,” said Adrienne Shields, DFR director.

The implementation of IEDSS will allow the DFR staff and vendors to work with one system, instead of the three required now and will be rolled out to DFR offices in incremental phases. The implementation date for each office will depend on the geographical location and FSSA does not anticipate any delay in service delivery or disruption in benefits.

“This is an exciting opportunity for FSSA to elevate the level of service provided to clients and simplify work processes for staff,” said Adrienne.

For more IEDSS information and resources, click here.

IEDSS trainers for the Division of Family Resources getting ready for implementation.

Members of the IEDSS training staff for the Division of Family Resources. IEDSS Pilot Go-Live is April 29, 2019.