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Summary of Current 319(h) Grant Projects

Listed below are summaries of projects funded with Section 319(h) grants by the Indiana Department of Environmental Management that are actively working on researching, planning, and implementing solutions to nonpoint source pollution issues in watersheds across Indiana.

Additional details about these projects can be found through the EPA’s Nonpoint Source Grants Reporting and Tracking System (GRTS). GRTS is the primary tool for management and oversight of state Nonpoint Source (NPS) Management Programs under Section 319 of the Clean Water Act. The U.S. EPA recently added new tools to the GRTS database to enable the public to search for information about NPS pollution control projects. IDEM has provided a brief tutorial with more information on accessing and using the U.S. EPA GRTS website.


Otter Creek Watershed Implementation (Contract #80895)

The Ouabache Land Conservancy will develop and implement a cost-share program in the Otter Creek Watershed in west-central Indiana to improve water quality. They will develop and promote a cost-share program to implement best management practices (BMPs) in agricultural land uses that include practices designed to reduce nutrient and sediment loading and E. coli inputs. They will implement educational programs on the impacts of various practices to affect behavioral changes that will improve water quality, implement a cost-share program to install cover crops, nutrient management implementation via equipment modification, conservation tillage, WASCOBs and high use area protection, and provide education activities including direct mailing, workshops, field days, BMP implementation tours, and Hoosier Riverwatch Training.

Deer Creek-Sugar Creek Implementation (Contract #80388)

The Carroll County Soil and Water Conservation District will develop and implement a cost-share program in the Sugar Creek-Wabash River, Deer Creek, and South Fork Deer Creek watersheds to improve water quality. The Deer Creek-Sugar Creek Project will implement the cost-share and education and outreach programs to increase the adoption of agricultural best management practices (BMPs) and improve local knowledge about agricultural BMPs, their implementation and impacts on water quality in the watersheds. They will implement a cost-share program by implementing cover crops, conservation tillage, nutrient management plans, waste facility closures, and high usage area protection, and will provide educational outreach activities including workshops, field days, outreach efforts, website updates, and social media posts.

Whitewater River Watershed (Contract #80230)

The Dearborn County SWCD will develop and implement a cost-share program in the Whitewater River Watershed to improve water quality. They will implement the watershed management plan through education, outreach, and a cost-share program to reduce soil erosion, reduce nutrients entering streams, and reduce E. coli concentrations throughout the watershed. They will provide education and outreach that will bring about community and landowner awareness of the water quality problems in the watershed and the importance of BMPs. The Dearborn County SWCD will implement a cost-share program by implementing grazing systems, high use area protection, rotational grazing, livestock restriction, and cover crops. Additionally, they will implement educational activities such as workshops, field days, and surveys.

Lower Kankakee Watershed Initiative Implementation Plan (Contract #79777)

The Jasper County Soil and Water Conservation District will develop and implement a cost-share program in the Lower Kankakee Watershed to improve water quality. They will develop and promote a cost-share program, implement the cost share program, and develop a public awareness education and outreach program to promote water quality and BMPs. They will implement the cost-share program by installing cover crops, filter strips, residue and tillage management, livestock restriction, and grassed waterways. Additionally, they will host workshops, field days, float trips, river clean ups, booth events, and Hoosier Riverwatch Training.

Lower Pigeon Creek Implementation (Contract #80023)

The Vanderburgh County Soil and Water Conservation District will develop and implement a cost-share program in the Highland-Pigeon Creek Watershed. They will develop and promote a cost-share program for agricultural producers and urban landowners in high priority critical areas, reduce nitrogen, phosphorus, and total suspended sediment, and educate agricultural and urban stakeholders about conservation and BMPs. They will implement a cost-share program and install cover crops, nutrient management plans, conservation tillage, prescribed grazing, critical planting, rain gardens, rain barrels, and pollinator planting. Additionally, they will provide educational and outreach activities including social media, press releases, newsletters, workshops, and field days.

Lower East Fork White River WMP Implementation (Contract #81023)

The Pike County Soil and Water Conservation District will develop and implement a cost-share program in the Lower East Fork White Watershed to improve water quality. They will develop an approved cost-share program with best management practices (BMPs) implemented in the critical areas identified in the watershed management plan. They will reduce sediment, nutrients, and E. coli loads and improve biotic communities in critical areas, as well as develop, promote, and implement an education and outreach program. The Pike County SWCD will implement the cost-share program by installing cover crops, tillage management, WASCOBs, and precision agriculture equipment modifications. They will also host education and outreach activities that will include social media posts, news articles, website updates, education events, Hoosier Riverwatch training, anti-litter campaigns, septic system workshop, a soil health event, and a drinking water workshop.

Innovative funding for NPS Improvement (Contract #82336)

The Lake Monroe Water Fund will promote programs and funding opportunities that identify and provide financial assistance for septic/sewer maintenance and create new programs to facilitate this process and make available for people with household incomes of all levels. They will educate financial professionals about nonpoint source septic and the need for funding to fix or replace septic systems, increase availability of funding for septic system owners to fix or replace septic system/sewer hookup, and educate septic owners about the availability of funding for septic repair, replacement, or sewer hookup. They will also contact professionals in the local financial arena, develop methods for technical assistance and financial methods, and post lists of funding resources to dedicated websites, produce flyers or brochures for health departments, soil and water conservation districts, septic system maintenance/installation contractors, and financial institutions/funding partners.

Indiana Water Quality on Wheels Exhibit (Contract #80027)

The Trustees of Indiana will develop a Water Quality on Wheels pilot program that will develop mobile educational products about Indiana water topics and examine the feasibility of creating a traveling exhibit that would be staffed by a full-time coordinator. They will develop new partnerships between programs and agencies for planning and development. They will also develop mobile education products designed to bring about behavioral changes that will lead to reduced nonpoint source pollution, as well as implement a cost-benefit and feasibility study on the use, creation, and support for a mobile exhibit that would be staffed and managed by a full-time coordinator. They will also hold steering committee meetings, advertise and promote Water Quality on Wheels, and implement surveys for feedback from users and will implement the cost benefit analysis and feasibility study.

Lower Salt Creek Watershed Project Phase 1 Implementation (Contract #79775)

The Lawrence County Soil and Water Conservation District will implement a cost-share program that will improve water quality and establish an effective education and outreach program in the Lower Salt Creek Watershed. They will develop and promote a cost-share program that leads to the reduction of nitrogen, phosphorus, E. coli, and sediment in critical areas by implementing best management practices. They will also develop and implement education and outreach programs involving watershed health. Additionally, they will implement a cost-share program and install livestock exclusion, conservation cover, cover crops, critical area planting, fencing, filter strips, and others, and they will offer education and outreach activities including workshops, field days, surveys, newsletters, social media posts, and a clean-up event.

Upper Mississinewa River Watershed 319 Implementation Phase II (Contract #80030)

The Delaware County Soil and Water Conservation District will promote cost-share opportunities and administer 319 cost-share funds and lead an education program to educate landowners about best management practices (BMPs) and water quality improvement. They plan to reduce sediment and nutrients in waterways through the implementation of conservation practices, water quality monitoring through engagement with local and regional universities and educate producers and the public through a consistent and diverse education program aimed at explaining the benefits of conservation practices. They will also implement a cost-share program to implement cover crops, grassed waterways, and filter strips, provide educational/public events and promotional materials to increase BMP adoption by landowners, and monitor at the edge of field to calculate nutrient and sediment load reductions.

Walnut Creek-Tippecanoe River WMP Phase 2 Implementation (Contract #80957)

The Watershed Foundation will continue to implement strategies to reach the 2019 watershed management plan goals within the Walnut Creek-Tippecanoe watershed. The Walnut Creek-Tippecanoe watershed is one of IDEM’s 319 Protection Priority Watersheds. They will reduce total phosphorus, nitrate, sediment, and E. coli loading in stream waters, increase public awareness of how stakeholders and public action can affect downstream water quality, and will protect and enhance critical habitat and unique natural areas as well as threatened, endangered, and rare species. They will also implement a cost-share program to implement thirty different types of best management practices including cover crops and conservation tillage as well as monitor water quality to assess data trends. Additionally, they will host educational events, field days, conservation planning meetings, as well as engage with volunteers, send out electronic newsletters, and post on social media.


Vernon Fork Muscatatuck WMP and Implementation (Contract #68776)

Jennings County Soil and Water Conservation District (SWCD) will develop a comprehensive watershed management plan for the Vernon Fork Muscatatuck Watershed, HUC 0512020707. The WMP will include all elements listed in the State’s Watershed Management Plan Checklist (updated 2009). Additionally, the SWCD will develop and promote a cost-share program to implement best management practices (BMPs) such as soil health systems, pasture/hay land improvements, livestock exclusions and others that address the water quality concerns in the watershed. The SWCD will collect existing data using windshield surveys and will also use IDEM's monitoring data.  The SWCD will conduct an education and outreach program designed to educate citizens on problems and solutions associated with nonpoint source pollution in the watershed. The outreach program will include the development and distribution of social media posts, news releases, facts sheets, and brochures. They will host field days, workshops, and a cleanup event as well as host steering committee meetings and public presentations. The SWCD will install watershed signage to bring awareness and educate residents.

Salt-Pipe Creek Implementation (Contract #68646)

This is a continuation of Decatur County Soil and Water Conservation District’s FY 2019 grant #37162. Decatur County Soil and Water Conservation District (SWCD) will develop and promote a cost-share program to implement best management practices (BMPs) cover crops, hay planting, fencing, grassed waterways, and others that address the water quality concerns outlined in the Salt-Pipe Creek Watershed Management Plan (WMP). The SWCD will conduct an education and outreach program designed to educate citizens on problems and solutions associated with nonpoint source pollution in the watershed. They will develop and distribute web materials, social media posts, flyers, and fact sheets. They will hold steering committee meetings, workshops, and attend public events. They will also install signage to raise awareness about the project and highlight tasks completed.

Fish Creek Watershed Management Plan (Contract #69065)

The Owen Country Soil and Water Conservation District (SWCD) will produce a watershed management plan (WMP) for the Fish Creek Watershed, Hydrologic Unit Code (HUC) 0512020202. The WMP will include all elements listed in the State’s Watershed Management Plan Checklist (updated 2009). The SWCD will develop a steering committee of local stakeholders to guide development of the watershed management plan. They will establish a water quality monitoring program. The SWCD will also conduct an education and outreach program designed to educate citizens on problems and solutions associated with nonpoint source pollution in the watershed.  The outreach program will include the development and distribution of web materials, social media updates, and brochures. They will host water quality events, attend community events, and host public meetings.

Black Creek WMP and Implementation (Contract #69119)

Greene County Soil and Water Conservation District (SWCD) will develop a comprehensive watershed management plan for the Black Creek Watershed, Hydrologic Unit Code (HUC) 0512020206. The WMP will include all elements listed in the State’s Watershed Management Plan Checklist (updated 2009).  In addition, the Greene County SWCD will develop and promote a cost-share program to implement best management practices (BMPs) such as cover crops, planter upgrades, precisions agriculture tools and others that address the water quality concerns outlined in the WMP. The SWCD will utilize existing Indiana Department of Environmental Management (IDEM) data to assess water quality and they will also organize a water sampling event for stakeholders. They will conduct an education and outreach program designed to educate citizens on problems and solutions associated with nonpoint source pollution in the watershed. The outreach program will include the development and distribution of web materials, brochures, flyers, and media updates. They will host field days and steering committee meetings and attend community events.

Patoka Lake Clean Sweep (Contract #69069)

The Patoka Lake Regional Water and Sewer District will conduct a program to increase the awareness of the citizens of the Patoka Lake watershed on water quality problems and increase the impact of the Patoka Lake cleanup events. They will form a steering committee to organize the Clean Sweep cleanup events, solicit sponsors and donors, and develop educational events. The Patoka Lake Regional Water & Sewer District will conduct an education and outreach program designed to educate citizens on problems and solutions associated with nonpoint source pollution in the watershed.  The outreach program will include the development and distribution of monthly emails, social media content, web updates and flyers. The district will host two cleanup events per year and host annual educational events.

Lake Monroe Implementation (Contract #68577)

The Friends of Lake Monroe will develop and promote a cost-share program to implement best management practices (BMPs) such as cover crops, field borders, riparian buffers, and others that address the water quality concerns outlined in the watershed management plan. The Indiana University Limnology Lab will conduct water quality monitoring of Lake Monroe. The Friends of Lake Monroe will conduct an education and outreach program designed to educate citizens on problems and solutions associated with nonpoint source pollution in the watershed. The outreach program will include the development and distribution of web materials, social media updates, newsletters, brochures, and media releases. They will hold advisory committee meetings and host workshops and clean-up events. They will also hold boat tours to engage stakeholders in water stewardship and coordinate a citizen science project monitoring shoreline erosion in Lake Monroe.

Lost River Implementation (Contract #68369)

This is a continuation of Orange County Soil and Water Conservation District’s FY 2019 grant #37361. Orange County Soil and Water Conservation District (SWCD) will develop and promote a cost-share program to implement best management practices (BMPs) such as cover crops, HUAPs, fencing, tree plantings and others to address the water quality concerns outlined in the Lost River Watershed Management Plan. They will develop and distribute flyers, brochures, press releases, and fact sheets. They will hold steering committee meetings, workshops, and field days. They will conduct a community cleanup event to connect the community with the environment.

Region of the Great Bend of the Wabash River Implementation (Contract #68119)

This is a continuation of Wabash River Enhancement Corp’s (WREC) FY 2020 grant #50141. The Wabash River Enhancement Corporation will develop and promote a cost-share program to implement best management practices (BMPs) such as cover crops, nutrient management, conservation tillage, and others that address the water quality concerns outlined in the Region of the Great Bend Wabash River WMP.  Volunteers will conduct a water quality monitoring program to track water quality trends over time. The SWCD will conduct an education and outreach program designed to educate citizens on problems and solutions associated with nonpoint source pollution in the watershed. The outreach program will include the development and distribution of web materials, social media updates, and press releases. They will host a field day, attend community events, and host steering committee meetings. They will lead the planning of Wabash Riverfest and host an educational booth at the event.

Lower Salamonie Implementation (Contract #68451)

The Wells County Soil and Water Conservation District (SWCD) will develop and promote a cost-share program to implement best management practices (BMPs) such as cover crops, conservation tillage, nutrient management plan development, conservation cover and buffers, fencing, and others that address the water quality concerns outlined in the Lower Salamonie River WMP. The SWCD will conduct an education and outreach program designed to educate citizens on problems and solutions associated with nonpoint source pollution in the watershed. The outreach program will include the development and distribution of web material, newsletters, and brochures. They will host field days, attend community events, and hold steering committee meetings.

Clean Lakes Program (Contract #68993)

Indiana University will assess no less than 160 Indiana lakes and reservoirs to determine water quality and track trends in lake eutrophication levels; train and support a corps of volunteer lake monitors; and conduct education and outreach on lake and watershed nonpoint source pollution issues. Education/outreach efforts will include publishing and distributing the Water Column newsletter and maintaining and updating the Indiana Clean Lakes Program (CLP) web site and Facebook page to inform the public about lake and watershed issues in Indiana and to post CLP activities and announcements. The Grantee will also provide technical assistance and/or data to citizens as requested, answer citizen questions regarding lake and watershed issues in Indiana, conduct outreach activities including sponsoring a booth at the Indiana Lake Management Conference, accept invitations to participate in lake association meetings, and participate in other lake-related activities that may arise.


Upper Sugar Creek Watershed Management Plan (Contract #58550)

Montgomery County Soil & Water Conservation District will produce a watershed management plan (WMP) for the Upper Sugar Creek watershed. The plan will include all elements listed in Indiana’s WMP Checklist. They will develop a steering committee of local stakeholders to guide the development of the watershed management plan. The SWCD will conduct an education and outreach program designed to raise awareness of issues in the watershed, inform on problems facing the watershed, and encourage actions county residents can take to reduce nonpoint source pollution in the watershed. Washington County’s outreach program will include development and distribution of newsletters, brochures, social media updates, and press releases. They will host a Hoosier Riverwatch training and implement a water monitoring program.

Upper Elkhart River Watershed Management Plan (Contract #58587)

Elkhart River Restoration Association (ERRA) will produce a watershed management plan (WMP) for the Upper Elkhart River watershed. The plan will include all elements listed in Indiana’s WMP Checklist. They will develop a steering committee of local stakeholders to guide the development of the WMP. The ERRA will conduct an education and outreach program designed to raise awareness of issues in the watershed, inform on problems facing the watershed, and encourage actions county residents can take to reduce nonpoint source pollution in the watershed. The ERRA outreach program will include development and distribution of newsletters, brochures, social media updates, community events, field days or workshops, and press releases. They will host a Hoosier Riverwatch training and implement a water monitoring program. The ERRA will use the Agricultural Conservation Planning Framework to prioritize locations in the watershed for the implementation of best management practices.

Snapp/Kelso Creek and Smalls Creek Watershed Management Plan (Contract #59519)

Knox County Soil & Water Conservation District will produce a watershed management plan (WMP) for the Snapp/Kelso Watershed. The plan will include all elements listed in Indiana’s WMP Checklist. They will develop a steering committee of local stakeholders to guide the development of the WMP. Knox County will conduct an education and outreach program designed to raise awareness of issues in the watershed, inform on problems facing the watershed, and encourage actions county residents can take to reduce nonpoint source pollution in the watershed.  The outreach program will include public presentations and displays. They will also develop and distribute newsletters, pamphlets, social media updates, press releases, and locally broadcasted presentations. Knox County will conduct field days and education events. They will host two Hoosier Riverwatch trainings and implement a water monitoring program.

Lower Big Blue River (LBBR) Implementation (Contract #58548)

Shelby County Soil & Water Conservation District (SWCD) will complete the first round of implementation of the LBBR watershed management plan (WMP). The SWCD will continue education and outreach efforts targeted during the planning phase. They will host workshops and field days, partner with watershed stakeholders to attend community events, post regular updates in newsletters and on social media, produce brochures and information to improve adoption rates of practices, and present educational events to local school children and community members. Shelby County SWCD will develop and promote a cost-share program to implement best management practices (BMPs) such as cover crops, no-till, nutrient management, pasture/hay land improvements, livestock exclusion, and others that address the water quality concerns outlined in the WMP.

Big Walnut Watershed Implementation (Contract #58545)

Putnam County Soil & Water Conservation District (SWCD) will develop and promote a cost-share program to implement best management practices (BMPs) such as cover crops, no-till, nutrient management, pasture/hay land improvements, livestock exclusion, and others that address the water quality concerns in the Big Walnut watershed management plan (WMP). The SWCD will conduct an education and outreach program designed to raise awareness of issues in the watershed, inform on problems facing the watershed, and encourage actions county residents can take to reduce nonpoint source pollution. They will conduct education events, distribute newsletters, and host a display at community events.

South Fork Wildcat Creek Stewardship Initiative (SFW-SI) (Contract #58552)

Clinton County Soil & Water Conservation District (SWCD) will implement Phase III of their conservation cost-share program. The goal is to implement best management practices (BMPs) and conduct an effective education and outreach campaign to meet the goals of the South Fork Watershed Management Plan. They will continue implementing several in-field, edge-of-field, and in-stream agronomic practices to create a robust conservation system. The focus of the established cost-share program will be on self-sustaining practices rather than annual renewal practices to ensure long-term effects. The SWCD will continue education and outreach designed to encourage the use of best management practices to reduce nonpoint source pollution. Activities include direct mailings, social media updates, and press releases. They will conduct workshops, community stewardship events, and interview program participants.

Upper Wabash River Phase III Implementation (Contract #58551)

Huntington County Soil & Water Conservation District (SWCD) will develop and implement phase III of their cost-share program. The priority is to fund best management practices (BMPs) in critical areas as described in the Upper Wabash River Watershed Phase III Management Plan (Section 6.3 - UWRW3 WMP). BMPS will include cover crops, equipment modifications, filter-strips, nutrient management, rain gardens, rain barrels, and permeable pavement. The SWCD will also develop and conduct an educational outreach program designed to raise awareness of issues in the watershed, inform on problems facing the watershed, and encourage actions county residents can take to reduce nonpoint source pollution. Activities include conducting field days/workshops, displaying information at community events, and creating and distributing educational materials.

Lower Eel River Implementation III (Contract #60144)

Clay County Soil & Water Conservation District (SWCD) will review and revise the current cost-share program. The plan will promote the implementation of best management practices (BMPs) in the critical areas that are identified in the Lower Eel River Watershed Management Plan (WMP). The Clay County SWCD staff and/or volunteers will conduct an unfunded water quality monitoring program in the Lower Eel River watershed (LERW) to track water quality trends using the Hoosier Riverwatch methods. The SWCD will develop and conduct an educational and outreach program which includes field days and workshops. The SWCD will develop and distribute press releases to communicate and promote cost-share programs, field days, BMPs, and any other watershed activities or information. They will hold regular steering committee meetings and host a septic workshop. The SWCD will develop and distribute flyers, newsletters, brochures, and an annual septic care and maintenance “How-to” postcard.

Headwaters Yellow River Implementation (Contract #58589)

Marshall County Soil & Water Conservation District (SWCD) will develop and implement a cost-share program for best management practices (BMPs) such as conservation tillage, cover crops, pasture/hay land improvement, livestock exclusion, riparian buffers and others that address the water quality concerns outlined in the Headwaters Yellow River watershed management plan (WMP). The SWCD will conduct an education and outreach program to educate stakeholders on water quality and BMPs. Activities will include steering committee meetings, public meetings, field days/workshops, river clean-ups, and webpage updates. Marshall county will also install promotional signs throughout the watershed to raise public awareness for nonpoint source pollution.

Treaty Creek-Wabash River Implementation (Contract #58547)

The Wabash River Defenders will develop, promote, and implement a cost-share program to implement best management practices (BMPs) such as cover crops, filter strips, conservation tillage, and others that address the water quality concerns outlined in the Treaty Creek-Wabash River watershed management plan (WMP). The Wabash River Defenders will also conduct an education and outreach program. Activities will include an annual cleanup or float trip, production of newsletters, news releases, and field days or workshops on the cost-share program and BMPs available. They will also organize a Hoosier Riverwatch training and monitoring program.

Indiana Watershed Leadership Academy (Contract #58554)

The Indiana Watershed Leadership Academy (IWLA) educates participants on how to lead watershed efforts that improve water quality in Indiana. Purdue University will run the program and identify target audiences to recruit potential IWLA participants; manage the application and enrollment processes; develop and distribute news releases, brochures, exhibit materials, and the web site; and track assignment submission and coordinate the graduation ceremony. They will award graduates of IWLA with a Professional Certificate in Watershed Management from Purdue University and offer continuing education credits via Purdue University's Distance Learning Program. They will distribute session evaluations to participants and hold a steering committee meeting to evaluate success of the academy.

Hoosier Riverwatch & Quality Assurance Project Plan (QAPP) Tool Maintenance (Contract #61096)

EcoLogik, Inc. will maintain the existing Hoosier Riverwatch database and provide maintenance, enhancements, and support for the QAPP tool. Database maintenance includes updating server software, continuing domain registrations, reporting analytics, and downloading backup data files. They will provide technical assistance and customer service to staff at IDEM to perform system corrections. The QAPP tool is in a testing phase and will continue to be developed and tested by EcoLogik with participation from IDEM staff.


On Site Disposal System Outreach and Education/Targeted Source Tracking Project (Contract #63816)

Indiana Lake Michigan Coastal Program (ILMCP) will subcontract with Northwestern Indiana Regional Planning Commission to map On Site Disposal Systems served parcels within 500 feet or surface water tributaries in targeted neighborhoods and along Lake Michigan shorelines. ILMCP will track the microbial sources to identify a minimum of 20 neighborhoods to target for the education and outreach component of this grant. ILMCP Steering Committee will identify and educate a Neighborhood Ambassadors to provide outreach materials in these locations. “We’re Pumped” signs will be provided to homeowners that pledge septic maintenance. ILMCP will hold septic workshops, promote and support one IOWPA Inspector training, promote community events, and develop and distribute articles, a homeowner inspection booklet, and newsletters. ILMCP will provide septic information and outreach kits to city/town councils, county boards, and local decision makers within the targeted watershed boundaries.

Maria & No Business Creek (Contract #47519)

Sullivan County SWCD will begin the Maria-No Business Creek watershed project with a TMDL baseline study of the Maria Creek watershed, collecting monthly monitoring data for up to 19 sites for one year. Sullivan County will produce a watershed management plan (WMP) for the Maria Creek, No Business Creek, Hydrologic Unit Codes (HUC) 0512011118 and 0512011117. The watershed plan shall include all elements listed in the State’s Watershed Management Plan Checklist (updated 2009). They will also begin implementing the approved WMP with an approved cost-share program. By the time the Maria-No Business Creek 319 Planning & Implementation 319 project begins, the TMDL study should be nearing completion. Data compiled through the TMDL study will be instrumental in the development of the Watershed Management Plan for this project. Sullivan County will conduct and education and outreach that will bring about positive behavioral changes that will lead to reduced nonpoint source pollution in the watershed including conduct field days/workshops, create and distribute cost-share brochures, press releases, and conduct field days. They will hold steering committee meetings, public meetings, and community events.

Walnut Creek (Contract #48941)

The Watershed Foundation will develop, promote, and implement a cost-share program to implement BMPs such as cover crops, filter strips, conservation tillage and others that address the water quality concerns outlined in the Walnut Creek-Tippecanoe WMP. The district will also conduct an education and outreach program including field days, social media posts, brochures, and stakeholder mailings. They will conduct annual watershed tours and create a 15’ X 20’ vinyl walkable watershed map to use at public exhibits and events.

Otter Creek Implementation (Contract #48894)

Ouabache Land Conservancy will develop and promote a cost-share program to implement best management practices (BMPs) such as cover crops, no-till, nutrient management, pasture/hay land improvements, livestock exclusion, and others that address the water quality concerns in the Otter Creek Watershed WMP. The SWCD will conduct an education and outreach program that will lead to reduced nonpoint source pollution in the watershed. They will conduct field days or workshops, clean-ups, and develop and distribute flyers, pamphlets, newsletters, news releases or fact sheets. The SWCD will develop and provide “Friends of the Whitewater River” signs to all cost-share program participants willing to display the signs for public outreach and awareness of the cost-share program.

Highland Pigeon WMP (Contract #47568)

Gibson County Soil and Water Conservation District will produce a watershed management plan (WMP) for the Highland Pigeon Watershed, Hydrologic Unit Codes (HUC’s) 05142020101, 051402020102, 051402020103, 051402020104, 051402020105, 051402020106, and 051402020107. The watershed plan will include all elements listed in the State’s Watershed Management Plan Checklist (updated 2009). They will develop a steering committee of local stakeholders to guide the development of the watershed management plan. Gibson County will conduct a monitoring program using Hoosier Riverwatch techniques. Gibson County will conduct an education and outreach program designed to bring about behavioral changes that will lead to reduced nonpoint source pollution in the watershed. Gibson County’s outreach program will include quarterly emails to stakeholders, brochures, social media updates and press releases. They will hold workshops, a water plant tour to educate citizens on drinking water, host a public event.

Lower Pigeon WMP (Contract #49762)

Vanderburgh County Soil and Water Conservation District will produce a watershed management plan (WMP) for the Lower Pigeon Creek Watershed, Hydrologic Unit Code (HUC) 0514020203. The watershed plan will include all elements listed in the State’s Watershed Management Plan Checklist (updated 2009). They will develop a steering committee of local stakeholders to guide the development of the watershed management plan. Vanderburgh County will conduct water monitoring for one year Vanderburgh County will conduct an education and outreach program designed to bring about behavioral changes that will lead to reduced nonpoint source pollution in the watershed. Vanderburgh County’s outreach program will include quarterly emails to stakeholders, brochures, social media updates and press releases. They will hold workshops and field days, annual stakeholder meetings, and tour the City of Evansville water treatment plant. Conduct Hoosier Riverwatch monitoring to engage volunteers.

Deer Creek-Sugar Creek Implementation (Contract #48870)

This is a continuation of Carroll County Soil & Water Conservation District’s FY2017 grant #25136. The SWCD will continue to implement on the ground conservation and education and outreach efforts to meet goals listed in the Deer Creek-Sugar Creek Watershed Management Plan. These goals include short-term, 10-year goals of reducing nitrate-nitrogen loading from 2 million lbs/yr to 190,000 lbs/yr (91%), total suspended solids from 24 million lbs/yr to 3 million lbs/yr (88%), and total phosphorus as a by-product of nitrogen and sediment reduction within high priority watersheds. These watersheds include Sugar (HUC 051201050601) and Little Deer Creeks (HUC 051201950503 and 051201050501). Additionally, within 20 years, E. coli concentrations will exceed the stated standard in only 20% of collected samples and all assessed streams will meet their aquatic life use designation. Finally, within the next five years Carrol County SWCD with raise community awareness of water quality issues related to nutrient loading and aquatic habitat alteration.

Region of the Great Bend of the Wabash River Implementation (Contract #50141)

This is a continuation of Wabash River Enhancement Corp’s (WREC) FY 2018 grant #31213. The Grantee will continue to implement the cost-share program to promote the implementation of best management practices (BMPs) such as cover crops, denitrifying bioreactors, stormwater runoff control, and others that address the water quality concerns outlined in the Region of the Great Bend Wabash River Watershed Management Plan (WMP). WREC will provide technical assistance to landowners to facilitate BMP implementation through the coordinator’s activities such as conducting urban landowner and farm site visits, assisting with conservation planning and BMP selection, and inspecting installed BMPs to ensure that they meet design specifications. They will also promote other conservation programs such as the Conservation Reserve Program (CRP), Environmental Quality Incentive Program (EQIP), Classified Forest Program, and the Clean Water Indiana Program. WREC will conduct a monitoring program for educational purposes and to monitor water quality trends in the Region of the Great Bend River Wabash watershed. They will sample chemical parameters at stream sites throughout the watershed hosting at least one spring and one fall Wabash Sampling Blitz per year. WREC will conduct an education and outreach program. They will hold education and outreach, steering and agricultural and urban committee meetings. Submit press releases, update Facebook and newsletters. They will also assist with planning the Wabash Riverfest, host field days and hold two Green Practices Tours.

South Fork-Blue River Watershed (Contract #48881)

This is a continuation of Washington County Soil and Water Conservation District (SWCD) FY 2018 grant # 22502. The SWCD will continue to promote the South Fork-Blue River Cost-share Program to implement best management practices (BMPs) in critical areas identified in the SFBR WMP. BMPs include cover crops, forage and biomass planting, access road, critical area planting, grassed waterways, rock lined waterways, fencing, pipeline, filter strips, waste storage facilities, HUAPs and others that address water quality concerns that have been identified in the South Fork-Blue River Watershed Management Plan. The cost-share program efforts also include the promotion of other conservation programs such as Classified Forest, Conservation Reserve Program, Environmental Quality Incentive Program, Lake and River Enhancement and Clean Water Indiana Program. Washington County SWCD will develop and conduct an educational outreach program that will bring about positive behavioral changes that will lead to reduced nonpoint source pollution in the watershed including conduct field days/workshops, create and distribute flyers/brochures/factsheets, newsletters, press releases, conduct a septic workshop. They will hold steering committee meetings, clean-up events and promote septic education by sponsoring a booth at the Home and Garden Show.

Big Pine Creek Watershed Implementation (Contract #49760)

This is a continuation of Benton County SWCD’s FY2016 grant #19223. The SWCD will continue to promote a cost-share program to implement best management practices (BMPs) such as cover crops, conservation tillage, nutrient management and others that address the water quality concerns outlined in the Big Pine Creek Watershed Management Plan (WMP). Benton County SWCD will conduct a monitoring program for educational purposes and to monitor water quality trends in the Big Pine Creek watershed. They will sample chemical parameters at sites throughout the watershed capturing at least one storm event and one base flow per year. Monitoring parameters will include total suspended solids, nitrate-nitrogen, total phosphorus, E. coli, stream flow, dissolved oxygen, pH, and water temperature. They will also conduct stream macroinvertebrate and fish sampling and analyze the collected community using the State’s Index of Biotic Integrity (IBI) and macroinvertebrate Index of Biotic Integrity (mIBI). Benton County SWCD will conduct a habitat assessment during the biological sampling activities using the State’s Qualitative Habitat Evaluation Index (QHEI). Benton County SWCD will also conduct an education and outreach program that will include holding steering meetings, quarterly mailings, press releases, update website and hold workshops and field days.

FFY 2019

Indian-Kentuck Implementation (Contract #37187)

The Historic Hoosier Hills RC&D (HHH) will develop and implement a cost-share program for BMPs such as conservation tillage, cover crops, pasture/hay land improvement, livestock exclusion, riparian buffers and others that address the water quality concerns outlined in the Indian Kentuck WMP. The HHH will conduct an education and outreach program to educate stakeholders on water quality and BMPs including steering committee meetings, public meetings, field tours/days, workshops, brochures, river clean-ups, and posting information about the project and educational materials on the Historic Hoosier Hills RC&D watershed web site.

TTK Implementation (Contract #41471)

The Sullivan County SWCD will develop, promote, and implement a cost-share program to implement BMPs such as cover crops, filter strips, conservation tillage and others that address the water quality concerns outlined in the Turtle Creek, Turman Creek, Kelley Bayou (TTK) WMP. The district will also conduct an education and outreach program including public meetings, newsletters, news releases, field days or workshops to educate people on the cost-share program and BMPs available, a website (, and promotional signs throughout the watershed to raise awareness about the TTK project and to highlight BMPs.

Whitewater River WMP Implementation (Contract #37186)

Dearborn County SWCD will develop and promote a cost-share program to implement best management practices (BMPs) such as cover crops, no-till, nutrient management, pasture/hay land improvements, livestock exclusion, and others that address the water quality concerns in the Whitewater River WMP. The SWCD will conduct an education and outreach program that will lead to reduced nonpoint source pollution in the watershed. They will conduct field days or workshops, clean-ups, and develop and distribute flyers, pamphlets, newsletters, news releases or fact sheets. The SWCD will develop and provide “Friends of the Whitewater River” signs to all cost-share program participants willing to display the signs for public outreach and awareness of the cost-share program.

Salt-Pipe Creek WMP Implementation (Contract #37162)

Decatur County SWCD will develop and promote a cost-share program to implement best management practices (BMPs) such as cover crops, no-till, nutrient management, pasture/hay land improvements, livestock exclusion, alternative watering systems, heavy use area protection, roof runoff structures, waste storage facilities, buffers and others that address the water quality concerns outlined in the Salt-Pipe Creek WMP. Once the cost-share program is approved, the Grantee shall provide technical assistance to landowners to facilitate BMP implementation through the coordinator’s activities such as conducting farm visits; assisting with conservation planning and BMP selection; and inspecting installed BMPs to ensure that they meet design specifications. The SWCD will promote other conservation programs such as the Conservation Reserve Program, Environmental Quality Incentive Program, Classified Forest and Wildlands Program, Clean Water Indiana Program, Lake and River Enhancement Program, and the Ohio River Basin Fish Habitat Partnership. Decatur County SWCD will conduct an education and outreach program designed to bring about behavioral changes and encourage BMP implementation that will lead to reduced nonpoint source pollution in the watershed. Activities will include workshops or field days. Develop and distribute flyers, pamphlets, newsletters, news releases or fact sheets. The SWCD will develop and provide “Friends of the Salt-Pipe Creek Watershed” signs to all cost-share program participants willing to display the signs for public outreach and awareness of the cost-share program.

Lost River Watershed Implementation (Contract #37361)

Orange County SWCD will implement the Lost River Watershed Management Plan (WMP). They will develop and promote a cost-share program to implement best management practices (BMPs) such as cover crops, forage and biomass plantings, nutrient management, residue management, water and sediment control basins, filter strips, riparian buffers, rain gardens and others that address water quality concerns. The SWCD will conduct an education and outreach program designed to bring about behavioral changes that will lead to reduced nonpoint source pollution in the watershed. They will conduct field days or workshops, clean-ups, and meetings of the previously formed Implementation Board. The SWCD will develop and distribute brochures, factsheets, and flyers and will produce articles and press releases. The SWCD will conduct presentations at SWCD Annual Meetings and at events.

Browns Wonder-Sugar Creek Stewardship Initiative Implementation (Contract #37907)

Clinton County SWCD will develop and promote a cost-share program to implement best management practices (BMPs) such as (but not limited to) cover crops, conservation tillage, nutrient management, and others that address the water quality concerns outlined in the Browns Wonder – Sugar Creek Watershed Management Plan (WMP). The SWCD will conduct an education and outreach program designed to bring about behavioral changes and encourage BMP implementation that will lead to reduced nonpoint source pollution in the watershed. Activities include Steering committee and attending partner meetings. They will conduct field days or workshops, and annual Community Stewardship Events. The SWCD will develop and provide signage with the watershed project logo to be installed at public locations. They will promote the program with social media posts, quarterly press releases and direct mailings.

North Laughery Creek WMP and Implementation (Contract #37151)

Historic Hoosier Hills (HHH) will produce a WMP for the North Laughery Creek watershed, Hydrologic Unit Code (HUC) 0509020305. The watershed plan shall include all elements listed in the State’s Watershed Management Plan Checklist (updated 2009). The WMP must be designed to achieve the reduction in pollutant loads called for in the nonpoint source Laughery Creek TMDL. Once the WMP is approved HHH will develop and promote a cost-share program to implement best management practices (BMPs) such as conservation tillage, cover crops, pasture/hayland improvement, livestock exclusion, riparian buffers, tree plantings and others that address the water quality concerns outlined in the North Laughery Creek WMP. They will conduct and education and outreach program designed to bring about behavioral changes that will lead to reduced nonpoint source pollution in the watershed. HHH will develop and distribute a cost-share brochure, press releases, field days, stream clean-ups, and a tour of the local wastewater treatment plant. HHH will promote the program by developing a display to be used at county fairs or public events. They will also develop and install signage along the roadside of willing cost-share participants.

Continuous Monitoring Super Gage at the Kankakee River at Shelby, Indiana (Contract #68405)

The United States Geological Survey will continue to operate a super gage for two (2) years on the Kankakee River at Shelby to quantify sediment and nutrient transport in the watershed.  The gage will take real-time continuous measurements of nitrate, phosphate, turbidity, water temperature, pH, dissolved oxygen, and specific conductance. Additionally, periodic stream-width and depth-integrated measurements of water-quality parameters will be made, and water-quality samples will be collected for laboratory analysis. Mathematical models will be produced and verified such that sensor data can be used as mathematical surrogates to represent continuous suspended sediment, total nitrogen, and total phosphorus concentrations.

FFY 2018

Fourteen Mile Creek/Goose Creek-OH River Watershed Improvement Project (Contract #29443)

Clark County Soil & Water Conservation District will promote and implement a cost-share program. The goal is to implement Best Management Practices and conduct an effective education and outreach effort to meet the goals listed in the Fourteen Mile Creek/Goose Creek Watershed Management Plan. That effort will bring about positive behavioral changes and will lead to reduced nonpoint source pollution in the watershed. This project will include conducting field days/workshops, conducting a septic workshop, and creating and distributing flyers/brochures/factsheets, newsletters, and press releases. They will also hold steering committee meetings, and clean-up events.

Plummer Creek Implementation II (Contract #30680)

Greene County Soil & Water Conservation District will develop and promote and implement cost-share program. The goal is to implement Best Management Practices and conduct an effective education and outreach effort to meet the goals listed in the 2016 Plummer Creek Watershed Management Plan, implement an approved Cost-Share Program to address pollutant sources as defined by the Plummer Creek WMP. Continue and expand the PCWP Outreach and Education program to encourage widespread behavioral changes that will lead to reduced nonpoint source pollution within the PCW, while facilitating future sustainability of partnerships and advocacy groups.

Clean Lakes Program (Contract #31746)

Indiana University will assess no less than 160 Indiana lakes and reservoirs to determine water quality and track trends in lake eutrophication levels; train and support a corps of volunteer lake monitors; and conduct education and outreach on lake and watershed nonpoint source pollution issues. Education/outreach efforts will include publishing and distributing the Water Column newsletter and maintaining and updating the Indiana Clean Lakes Program (CLP) web site and Facebook page to inform the public about lake and watershed issues in Indiana and to post CLP activities and announcements. The Grantee will also provide technical assistance and/or data to citizens as requested, answer citizen questions regarding lake and watershed issues in Indiana, conduct outreach activities including sponsoring a booth at the Indiana Lake Management Conference, accept invitations to participate in lake association meetings and participate in other lake-related activities that may arise.