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Indian Creek-White River Watershed

Indian Creek-White River Watershed
Indian Creek-White River Watershed


The Indian Creek-White River Watershed covers approximately 99.41 square miles in Sullivan, Daviess, and Knox Counties. Within the watershed, there are four subwatersheds that will be included in the Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDL) report: Pollard Ditch, Pickel Ditch, Smothers Creek, and Bens Creek. The Hydrologic Unit Code (HUC) for the Indian Creek-White River Watershed is 0512020208.


Past surveys of the Indian Creek-White River Watershed have been conducted as early as 1957, and may have included monitoring for fish communities, fish tissue, macroinvertebrate communities, Escherichia coli (E. coli), and/or water chemistry through several IDEM monitoring programs. Impairments currently identified in the watershed include E. coli and impaired biotic communities (IBC). Potential pollution sources contributing to these impairments include nonpoint sources from agricultural lands and pastures, rural run-off, wildlife, as well as point sources from straight pipe discharges and home sewage treatment systems.

Parameters To Be Addressed

IDEM will complete a comprehensive sampling program in the watershed that will be based on the current impairments. A total of 16 sites will be assessed for general chemistry, nutrients, habitat, and fish and macroinvertebrate communities. A comprehensive list of all parameters will be referenced in the approved work plan.


  • A public kickoff meeting was held on September 26, 2023, to introduce the project and solicit input.
  • A draft TMDL public meeting is expected to be held in 2025 upon completion of the draft TMDL report.
  • New impairments determined as a result of the 2023-2024 watershed characterization study for the Indian Creek White River watershed are posted for public comment from March 10, 2025, through April 24, 2025. The notice outlines the findings of the study and lists proposed additions/deletions to the 2026 303(d) list of Impaired Waters.
  • Additional meetings will be held as needed. Please check the IDEM calendar for updates.

The TMDL Report

The TMDL Report is anticipated to be completed in 2025.

Watershed Characterization Monitoring 2023-2024

Supplemental Information

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