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Watershed Education

It takes a village, town, city, or even a nation to heal a watershed. Of course, the first step is learning what a watershed is and how they affect our everyday lives. We all live in a watershed, and our everyday actions impact water quality.

Outreach and education is more than slapping a slogan on a bumper sticker. Your outreach should be a campaign utilizing careful planning, consideration, and even research to discover how to deliver the proper message to the right people at the right time to address the most pressing problem. Consider:

  • Who will your target audience be?
  • What is driving the outreach campaign? What is the end goal?
  • Who should deliver the message?
  • What barriers does the audience face to implement new behaviors?


Once you have answered the questions above, consider using tools like the U.S. EPA’s Nonpoint Source Outreach Toolbox to get print and audiovisual materials.

A variety of free resources are also available for use in the Classroom and with Public Officials.

Meetings and Events

Many watershed groups use meetings and events as outreach tools. Be sure to visit the How to Conduct a Successful Event page for important information, tips, and checklists.


Education is for coordinators and volunteers, too. Whether you attend a formal program, like the Indiana Watershed Leadership Academy, or participate in less formal Networking Sessions, it’s important to keep up-to-date on watershed best practices so that you can educate others.

For More Information