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Section 319 Grant Program Eligible NRCS FOTG Practices

About NRCS FOTG Practices

The Section 319 Grant Program Eligible NRCS FOTG Practices [PDF] is a list of NRCS practices that may be incorporated into a cost-share program and implemented with Section 319 funds. The Key Requirements are noted significant elements that must be followed in addition to the NRCS Conservation Practice Standard specifications when implementing the BMP, and are usually Environmental Quality Incentives Program (EQIP) requirements or Section 319 Program requirements. Implementation of a BMP not listed in this document must receive prior approval from IDEM.

IDEM advises coordinating with your IDEM Project Manager prior to allocating funds for any BMP to avoid delays, ensure the practice is approved, and receive technical guidance. All agricultural BMPs must be implemented in accordance with a Conservation Plan for the land. A signature is required in Section B of the 319-A Agriculture and 319-U Urban Cost-Share Forms for reimbursement to certify that the BMP is needed to improve or maintain water quality and will reduce off-site sedimentation or nutrient, pesticide or pathogen loads to receiving waters, and was implemented consistent with NRCS standards or other approved specifications.