The Lake Manitou watershed encompasses approximately 27,700 acres located southeast of Rochester, Indiana in Fulton County and Miami County. The Lake Manitou watershed has two subwatersheds that will be reviewed in the Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDL): Rain Creek/Graham Ditch (HUC 05120106050020) and the Robbin Taylor/Strebe Ditch (HUC 05120106050010) located southeast of Rochester, Indiana. The main tributaries to Lake Manitou are Rain Creek and Graham Ditch with Whittenberger/Eiler Ditch, Mastellar Ditch, Weaver and Kitchen Ditch playing a lesser role.
Past surveys of the Lake Manitou Watershed have been conducted as early as 1997, and may have included monitoring for fish communities, fish tissue, macroinvertebrate communities, Escherichia coli (E. coli), and/or water chemistry through several IDEM monitoring programs. Impairments currently identified in the watershed include E. coli, mercury in fish tissue, nutrients, and impaired biotic communities (IBC). Potential pollution sources contributing to these impairments include nonpoint sources from agricultural lands and pastures, rural run-off, wildlife, and home sewage treatment systems.
Parameters To Be Addressed
Sampling in the watershed is based on the current impairments. The site focuses on the deepest part of Lake Manitou and was assessed for general chemistry, nutrients, and habitat. BathTub Modeling and StepL modeling for this watershed was conducted to analyze impairments, making this a unique report for IDEM and the community.
- A public comment period will commence in 2025
- Final draft submission to the EPA will commence in summer of 2025
The TMDL Report
The TMDL Report is anticipated to be completed in 2025.