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Classroom Resources

Clean water starts with education! Teaching adults and children about the importance of clean water is a necessary first step to keeping our rivers and streams healthy. There are many hands-on curriculum resources available to present to adults and students. Lessons are interdisciplinary and can include science, environmental concepts, social studies, literature, mathematics, and current events.

  • U.S. EPA’s Water Science and Technology for Students and Educators:
    • Educational resources are available for adults (water professionals and concerned citizens) and students (K-12). Topics range from drinking water, fish consumption safety, pollution run-off, storm water, and wetlands.
  • USGS and Science Education:
    • Curriculum is available for primary, secondary, and undergraduate students. Topics range from ground water, flooding, water chemistry, the water cycle, and managing water resources.
  • Water on the Web (WOW):
    • An extensive resource, this site includes learning modules include lesson plans, PowerPoint presentations, and investigative labs. The education level ranges from high school learning to second-year college technical learning.
  • Kid's Crossing:
    • This website includes some basic science tools for kids and teachers to help children understand some basic concepts of the atmosphere and climate. Segments on this page include water, air, weather, and general science.
  • Earth Force:
    • All Earth Force programs offer educators innovative materials, training, and support that help youth connect to their communities and address environmental issues.
  • Hoosier Riverwatch - Volunteer Stream Monitoring:
    • Introduces citizens and educators to water quality monitoring utilizing hands-on habitat, chemical, and biological assessment methods. Participants gain experience and skills in the use of chemical monitoring kits and aquatic insect collection and identification. The sessions are held both inside and outdoors. After completion of this training, participants become "Certified Volunteer Monitors" and are qualified to submit data to the statewide volunteer stream monitoring database. Any interested adult is welcome to attend, and once certified, may teach students how to monitor
  • Project WET – Water Education for Teachers:
    • Project WET provides educators with interdisciplinary training and lesson plans emphasizing the importance of water resources. Activities and plans provided in the Project WET guide are correlated to Indiana state educational standards. Teachers should attend a FREE workshop to receive materials and training. Curriculum is correlated to meet Indiana state standards.
  • Go FishIN - Sport Fishing Aquatic Education:
    • Go FishIN offers educators a unique way to help students (ages 12-15) understand the complex connections between recreational fishing and the rest of Indiana's aquatic resources. Any school classroom can utilize some portion of the Go FishIN program. Go FishIN activities cover a broad range of school subjects, such as ecology, art, biology, mathematics, and creative writing. Teachers should attend a FREE workshop to receive materials and training.