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Water Quality Video Series

The words and terms we use to talk about watersheds and nonpoint source pollution can be confusing – most schools didn’t even teach these topics to their students until very recently. To help everyone understand these topics and other water quality topics, the Department of Environmental Management has created a series of educational videos. Each short video is focused on a single topic and is a great way to learn more about a water quality concept. Visit this site often as we produce and add more videos to help you know more about water quality, your watershed, and what you can do to help improve water quality.

  • What is a Watershed?
    • This short video explains, in easy to understand terms, how to identify a watershed, why watersheds are important to water quality, and some simple things you can do on your own property to help improve water quality.
  • What is Nonpoint Source Pollution?
    • This short video explains, in easy to understand terms, what is nonpoint source pollution and how is different from other types of water pollution. In additional, you will learn why nonpoint source pollution is a problem and where it comes from.