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Terrorist Events

Unarmed Response to Terrorist Active Shooter Events: Resources for Everyone

You may have seen recently the City of Houston Mayor’s Office of Public Safety and Homeland Security video, "Run. Hide. Fight.", providing key steps to follow should you encounter an active shooter.

The Indiana State Police, with the assistance of Dr. Richard Hogue, Ed.D. of Hogue & Associates, Inc., has incorporated the City of Houston's video into the training aids in this section to assist individuals in preparing to respond to the unpredictable possibility of an terrorist active shooter event.

The training presentation below may be downloaded, and you may also download or stream the videos separately on this page.

Additional Resources

Get informed, watch the City of Houston's video: Run. Hide. Fight. Surviving an Active Shooter Event.

For more tips download our information sheet, "How to Respond to an Active Shooter Event".