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Albert Barnes Anderson![]() 10 Feb. 1857 - 27 Apr. 1938 Practiced in Crawfordsville Federal District Judge, Southern Indiana District Judge, Circuit Court of Appeals, Chicago | Edward Bailly b. 26 July 1886 Practiced in New York | Conrad Baker![]() 12 Feb. 1817 - 1885 Practiced in Evansville State Representative Lieutenant Governor Governor |
John Harris Baker![]() 28 Feb. 1832 - 21 Oct. 1915 Practiced in Goshen U.S. Representative Judge, Indiana District Court Delegate, Republican National Convention | Robert C. Baltzell![]() 15 Aug. 1879 - 18 Oct. 1950 Practiced in Princeton Judge, Gibson County Circuit Court Judge, U.S. District Court, Indianapolis | Walter Elbert Barton![]() 7 Nov. 1886 - 21 Oct. 1983 Practiced in Evansville & Washington, D.C. Successful tax lawyer |
Clarence Benadum 7 June 1889 - 12 Nov. 1978 Practiced in Muncie Prosecutor, Delaware County Organizer & President of Indiana Bar Association Author | Albert Jeremiah Beveridge![]() 6 Oct. 1862 - 27 Apr. 1927 Practiced in Indianapolis U.S. Senator Chairman, National Progressive Convention Author | Absolom W. Blair b. 6 Oct. 1798 Practiced law |
Arch Newton Bobbitt![]() 3 Sept. 1895 - 24 Jan. 1978 Practiced in Indianapolis State Auditor State Chairman, Republican Party Indianapolis City Attorney Indiana Supreme Court Justice | Jesse David Bright![]() 18 Dec. 1812 - 20 May 1875 Practiced in Madison Judge, Jefferson County Probate Court State Senator Lieutenant Governor U.S. Senator | Lyndsay Marsee Brown![]() Practiced in Indianapolis |
Samuel Hamilton Buskirk![]() 19 Jan. 1820 - 3 Apr. 1879 Practiced in Monroe County Prosecutor, Monroe County State Representative Indiana Supreme Court Justice Author | Noble Chase Butler![]() 21 Feb. 1844 - 7 Oct. 1933 Practice in New Albany Clerk, U.S. District Circuit Courts, Indianapolis | Smiley Newton Chambers![]() 18 Mar. 1845 - 8 Feb. 1907 Practiced in Vincennes & Indianapolis U.S. District Attorney |
John Barrett Cockrum![]() 12 Sept. 1857 - 15 Apr. 1937 Practiced in Booneville Assistant U.S. District Attorney | Robert Davis Coleman![]() 21 Dec. 1898 - 2 Sept. 1981 Practiced in Indianapolis Deputy Prosecutor, Marion County | James Adams Collins 12 Oct. 1870 - 4 Dec. 1946 Practiced in Indianapolis Police Judge, Indianapolis Judge, Marion County Criminal Court |
James Dill d. 1838 Practiced in Dearborn County Member, Constitutional Convention of Indiana Speaker, Territorial Legislature | Alexander Cummins Downey![]() 10 Sept. 1817 - 26 Mar. 1898 Practiced in Rising Sun Judge, 1st, 3rd, & 7th Circuits State Senator Indiana Supreme Court Justice | Samuel Reed Downey
26 May 1847 - 3 Feb. 1893 |
Henry Clay Duncan 16 Jan. 1845 - 30 Jan. 1911 Practiced in Bloomington Bloomington City Attorney Monroe County Attorney Prosecutor & Judge, 10th Circuit State Senator | Williamson Dunn![]() 25 Dec. 1781 - 11 Nov. 1854 Judge, Jefferson County Court of Common Pleas Associate Judge, 2nd Circuit State Representative & Senator Probate Judge, 3rd Circuit | James H. Edwards c. 1878 - 30 Jan. 1947 Alexandria City Attorney Prosecutor, Madison County Judge, Madison County Superior Court |
Miles Cary Eggleston![]() 26 Feb. 1791 - 19 July 1851 Practiced in Lawrenceburg Prosecutor, Franklin County Presiding Judge, 3rd Circuit | Frank Ellis 12 Feb. 1842 - 12 July 1918 Practiced in Muncie Delaware County Treasurer Muncie City Councilman Muncie City Attorney Mayor of Muncie Judge, 46th Circuit | James A. Emmert![]() 26 Sept. 1895 - 14 Apr. 1974 Practiced in Shelbyville Mayor of Shelbyville Judge, Shelby Circuit Court Indiana Attorney General Indiana Supreme Court Justice |
William Pascoe Evans 9 Nov. 1886 - 9 Feb. 1971 Practiced in Indianapolis Prosecutor, Marion County State Senator Chief Counsel, Public Service Co. of Indiana | Louis Blasdel Ewbank![]() 5 Sept. 1864 - 6 Mar. 1953 Practiced in Lagrange & Indianapolis Judge, Marion County Circuit Court Indiana Supreme Court Justice Author |