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  • All misdemeanor cases, all traffic infractions, and 50% of all Level 6 felonies and 10% of all major felonies are filed in Shelby Superior Court 2. At the initial hearing individuals are advised of the nature of the charges against them and the penalties for those charges. They will also be advised of their rights. Odd numbered misdemeanor cases are assigned to Magistrate Jennifer Kinsley after the initial hearing.
  • Initial Hearings are not trials. It is not the time to argue about the facts of the case. The Court may take certain administrative actions such as suspending an individual’s ability to drive and issuing No Contact Orders.
  • Individuals that need a court appointed attorney may request one at the initial hearing. Requests to appoint an attorney may be done orally, but a written request is more helpful. Public Defense Application.
  • All Defendants (even those Defendants represented by attorneys) must complete a Criminal Defendant Party Information Sheet every time they appear before the Court. This helps the court have the most current contact information.


In Custody. Initial hearings for individuals in custody for Superior Court 2 at the Shelby County jail are generally held on the first business day after their arrest. The initial hearing is in the morning but the exact time depends upon many factors including time of filing by the prosecutor, other hearings on the docket, and the availability of the jail staff. Judge Riggins usually live streams all criminal hearings including the initial hearing.

Out of Custody. Individuals that bond out of jail or are summoned to Court are assigned a Thursday at 8:30 am for their initial hearing. The date will be on the bond sheet or on the Summons.

  • Waivers and continuances of initial hearings are rarely granted. Requests to continue or waive an initial hearing must be filed in writing with the court. Lack of objection by the State, or a lack of a ruling by the Court on a Motion to Continue or Waive an Initial Hearing should not be interpreted as an approval of the request. Individuals that fail to appear for an initial hearing will have a warrant issued for their arrest.
  • Individuals may request a public defender at the initial hearing. The request may be oral, but the Court prefers a written request prepared in advance and given to the court at the initial hearing. Public Defense Application
  • Individuals that wish to represent themselves and attempt to reach a plea agreement with the State of Indiana at the initial hearing may do so, but only after they have been advised of the charges, the penalties and their rights. Individuals that wish to represent themselves should file with the court this Demand of Self-Representation in Criminal Case form.


  • Individuals summoned to court for infractions, such as speeding, red light violations, truck violations, vaping, littering, and other infractions are also given Thursdays at 8:30 am. The date will be on the ticket/summons at the bottom. It should not say “Call” or “Contact the Court”. If it does, call or contact the Court and you will be given a Thursday morning session date.
  • Individuals who fail to appear at the admit/deny date will have a default judgment entered against them. Individuals appearing on the Admit/Deny date may admit, plead no contest, or deny the allegations. Individuals that deny the allegations will be given a trial date. Individuals may also attempt to negotiate with the deputy prosecutor to resolve the matter. However, the Court is not a party to any negotiations.