On a daily basis, Hoosier first responders put others' safety above their own. Members of the fire service, emergency management, telecommunications, EMS and law enforcement make the well-being of their fellow citizens their top priority when called to respond to incidents.
Consider supporting first responders statewide by buying a First Responders license plate or making a donation to IDHS, the state's Regional Public Safety Training Fund or the bleeding control kit pool.
First Responders License Plate
Show Hoosier first responders your support and gratitude for their commitment to their fellow citizens. The next time you renew your vehicle's plate, ask for a First Responders license plate, or purchase one online.
Proceeds from license plate sales have in the past been used for projects such as providing scholarships for first responders, equipping them with personal protective equipment, acquiring first responder equipment and training responders.
Small Fee, Big Impact
The fee to receive a First Responders license plate is only $40, in addition to your normal vehicle registration and excise fees. Of the $40 fee, the Indiana Bureau of Motor Vehicles retains $15 for administrative costs with the remaining $25 going directly to the Regional Public Safety Training Fund. If you request a low-end number from one to 100 or a specific number, there is an additional one-time $30 fee.
By paying a small fee and purchasing a First Responders license plate, you can make a big impact by assisting Indiana’s first responders who help protect your loved ones, neighbors and yourself.

Regional Public Safety Training Fund
This fund was established to provide regional and advanced training for public safety service providers, support development of firefighter training facilities, provide scholarships for students enrolled in post-secondary coursework in public safety and purchase equipment to enhance emergency preparedness and response capabilities of public safety agencies or EMS providers. The fund is managed by IDHS.

General IDHS Donations
First responders around Indiana recognize IDHS as a leader in first responder training and the state's emergency management agency.
IDHS supports numerous state, county, local and private-sector first responders through training, planning, exercises and also response and recovery activities. This includes operating the State Emergency Operations Center (SEOC) around the clock.
IDHS also leads the state's fire and building safety. The Indiana State Fire Marshal guides the Division of Fire and Building Safety (within IDHS), which oversees the enforcement of building codes and includes a fire investigations unit.
The agency is largely funded by user fees and grant funding.

Bleeding Control Kit Donations
A bleeding control kit is a package of first aid supplies to stop life-threatening blood loss before professional medical care arrives. Stop the Bleed is a national campaign to train the general public how to stop or slow bleeding during emergencies. It also seeks to increase the availability of bleeding control kits.
In 2023, the Indiana General Assembly created a Stop the Bleed Donation pool (Indiana Code 10-19-2.2) to be held by IDHS. The pool is supported by donations and consists of physical kits or funds reserved to purchase them.