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Contact Us

Choose the Right DHS


The Indiana Department of Homeland Security focuses on protecting the people, property and prosperity of the Hoosier State through efforts such as:

  • emergency planning and operations
  • first responder training and certifications
  • fire and building safety
  • building plan review
U.S. DHS logo
U.S. DHS logo

Contact the U.S. Department of Homeland Security for the following:

  • international child adoption
  • citizenship
  • Green Cards (permanent resident cards)
  • immigration and customs
  • airport security

Visit the U.S. Department of Homeland Security website

Indiana Government Center sign

Indiana Department of Homeland Security

Business hours: 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Monday through Friday except state-observed holidays

Indiana Government Center South
302 W. Washington St., Room E208
Indianapolis, Indiana 46204


IDHS division logos and word mark

Contact a Section

Select a topic or an area of the agency for contact information:

IDHS business card example

Find Contacts by County

Use the statewide map below to look up IDHS contacts by county. Simply select a county to reveal a pop-up window of IDHS contacts specific to that county (as applicable).

Looking for a county emergency management agency (EMA)? Go to EMA Contacts.

View the full-screen dashboard

IDHS core values

Submit Feedback

Public feedback is considered by our leadership to help us improve our service to the state. Tell IDHS about an area of the agency you had an experience with.

911 dispatcher at computer

Share the Good

IDHS wants to recognize and highlight the work performed by first responders all year round, whether they are 911 operators, EMAs, firefighters, EMS personnel or police. If you have a positive story you would like to bring to IDHS' attention, please fill out the Share the Good form.

Woman holding cell phone in hands

Connect on Social Media

Choose one of the social media channels below to follow and connect with IDHS.