IDHS Special Recognition
Special Recognition
Nominate someone for recognition below, or submit a positive first responder story to IDHS using the form under General Recognition.
- EMS Recognition
- State Fire Marshal Recognition
- Indiana Homeland Medal of Merit
- Hoosier First Responder Medal of Honor
- Memorial State Flag
- General Recognition

The EMS Division acknowledges Hoosiers in various capacities. Select a recognition to learn more about it or select the button below to nominate someone.
Note: Check the eligibility requirements before making a nomination. Questions should be directed to
This form is for EMS personnel only. Choose the other tabs above to nominate a public safety worker for other types of recognition.
Recognition Descriptions
- Cardiac Arrest Save
The cardiac arrest save designation is intended to recognize EMS responders or bystanders that assist with quality CPR that results in successful resuscitation of a patient that is discharged neurologically intact after the resuscitation.
- Certificate of Appreciation
This recognizes an EMS-certified or EMS-licensed person for periods of service.
- Certificate of Remembrance
A certificate of remembrance is issued to any EMS professional who dies while certified or licensed but is not eligible for other forms of recognition. These could be deaths while on duty but not deemed line of duty; they also could be unexpected deaths of individuals where a department, co-worker, friend or family member is seeking to honor the deceased's service.
- Certificate/License Retirement
Certified EMS personnel may have their certificate or license retired if held for at least 15 years. Additionally, a certified individual, once having the certificate or license retired, may be allowed to use the title suffix "-Retired." For example, a retired EMT may then use the title "EMT-Retired" or "EMT-Ret."
- Emeritus Designation
Awarded at retirement, post-retirement or death of an EMS-certified or EMS-licensed person, this recognizes individuals who have made significant contributions to the EMS field during their lifetime.
- EMS Star of Life
An EMS Star of Life is designated to an EMS certificate or license holder who died in the line of duty. View the Indiana EMS Memorial page.
- Honorary Lifetime Certification/License
These awards may be given to non-EMS certified or licensed people who have engaged in heroic conduct to help an EMS patient or response or who made EMS contributions above and beyond the call of duty. An EMS student who was in good standing in the class but died before completing certification testing may also receive an honorary certificate or license.
- State EMS Director's Award
The State EMS Director may award this to either non-certified or EMS-certified or EMS-licensed personnel who have made significant positive contributions to the EMS field.
- Stork Award
The Stork Award is given to EMS-certified professionals who assist with a non-hospital delivery of a newborn as part of their EMS duties.
Eligibility Requirements and Nominating Criteria
- Details
EMS personnel who do not have any pending investigations or sanctions against their EMS certification or license.
Nominations can be made by the nominee, others in the EMS field, the EMS Commission or the State EMS Director. The general public can nominate for several of the recognitions, as can a spouse or someone whose life was saved.
Required Documentation
See the special recognition guidelines for requirements for each of the EMS recognitions.
Judging Criteria
An EMS Star of Life designation is automatic once IDHS and the State EMS Director confirm the line-of-duty death. Others are at the discretion of the State EMS Director, or with joint approval of the director and the EMS Commission chairperson.

The Indiana State Fire Marshal acknowledges Hoosiers for their exceptional service. Select an award to learn more about it or select the button below to nominate someone.
Note: Check the eligibility requirements before making a nomination, and please provide at least two weeks' notice. Questions should be directed to
Recognition Descriptions
- Meritorious Service Award
The Meritorious Service Award recognizes periods or acts of meritorious and distinctive service within public safety. A recipient will demonstrate over time dedicated service, leadership, initiative, dependability, unselfishness and technical knowledge. Examples may include but are not limited to public safety personnel who complete 30+ years of service, successfully conclude a difficult and complex arson case, develop a model fire prevention program or save the community a large amount of money through innovative management.
- Valor Service Award
The Valor Service Award recognizes a public safety worker for heroism or acts of bravery above and beyond the call of duty.
- Heroic Life Saving Award
A new award, the Heroic Life Saving Award recognizes the attempt to save a life. It is given to honor a public safety worker for heroic acts and extraordinary skill and resourcefulness to save, or attempt to save, a person's life.
- Certificate of Appreciation
The Certificate of Appreciation can be given for fire department retirements of less than 30 years of service (cases where the qualifications for Meritorious Service Award are not met).
Eligibility Requirements and Nominating Criteria
- Details
Any public safety worker. This includes firefighters, administrators, dispatchers and more.
Any public safety official or elected official with specific knowledge of a public safety worker's service or valorous act can nominate someone. If nominating based on length of service, must have at least 30 years of service (cumulative). If nominating based on a merit, it must be for a specific, definable act not based on length of service or valor.
Required Documentation
Ideally, the senior public safety department official (chief or marshal) should initiate, authenticate or endorse the recommendation letter. Testimonial letters from other officials are welcome but are not mandatory. Photos, eyewitness accounts, maps and so on should be submitted as part of a recommendation package. All evidence, facts and supporting documents should be factual and complete.
Judging Criteria
Factors that will be considered include the nominated person's experience as a public safety worker, weather conditions, bravery, time of day, casualties and department rules or policies upheld or broken. Eyewitness reports substantiating an act are also taken into consideration.

The Indiana Homeland Medal of Merit honors exceptional conduct and the performance of outstanding services to Hoosiers to support the safety, security and resilience of Indiana. Select the button below to nominate someone.
The Indiana Homeland Medal of Merit honors exceptional conduct and the performance of outstanding services to Hoosiers to support the safety, security and resilience of Indiana. Select the button below to nominate someone.

The Hoosier First Responder Medal of Honor is awarded to Indiana first responders who are killed or seriously injured in the line of duty and who distinguish themselves conspicuously by gallantry and intrepidity at the risk of the first responder's life above and beyond the call of duty while engaged in an act of public service.
Submit a Medal of Honor nomination
Eligibility Requirements and Nominating Criteria
An Indiana first responder, such as a law enforcement officer, firefighter, corrections officer, public safety telecommunicator, EMS worker, emergency management service provider, county coroner or deputy corner and public safety agency employees or volunteers whose duties include rapid emergency response.
An entity employing an Indiana first responder or for which the Indiana first responder volunteers may nominate an Indiana first responder who has been killed or seriously injured in the line of duty.
Required Documentation
The nominating entity should provide details of how the first responder distinguished himself or herself conspicuously by gallantry and intrepidity at the risk of his or her life above and beyond the call of duty while engaged in an act of public service.

Memorial State Flag for Fallen Public Safety and Military Personnel

Under Indiana Code 10-14-2-5, family members of military or public safety officers who die in the line of duty may be presented with a state flag. To apply, please submit an application to IDHS at
Family members are defined as the surviving spouse, the surviving children if there is no surviving spouse, and the surviving parent or parents if there is no surviving spouse or there are no surviving children.
Dying "in the line of duty" refers to a death that occurs as a direct result of personal injury or illness resulting from any action that a member of the military or public safety officer, in the member of the military's or public safety officer's official capacity, is obligated or authorized by rule, regulation, condition of employment or services or law to perform in the course of performing the member of the military's or public safety officer's duty.
Eligible Military or Public Safety Officers
- A member of a fire department (as defined in IC 36-8-1-8)
- An emergency medical service provider (as defined in IC 16-41-10-1)
- A member of a police department (as defined in IC 36-8-1-9)
- A correctional officer (as defined in IC 5-10-10-1.5)
- A state police officer
- A county police officer
- A police reserve officer
- A county sheriff
- A deputy sheriff
- An excise police officer
- A conservation enforcement officer
- A town marshal
- A deputy town marshal
- A postsecondary educational institution police officer appointed under IC 21-17-5 or IC 21-39-4
- A probation officer
- A paramedic
- A volunteer firefighter (as defined in IC 36-8-12-2)
- An emergency medical technician or a paramedic working in a volunteer capacity
- A member of the armed forces of the United States
- A member of the Indiana Air National Guard
- A member of the Indiana Army National Guard
- A member of a state or local emergency management agency
- A member of a consolidated law enforcement department established under IC 36-3-1-5.1
- A community corrections officer
- A conservancy district marshal
- A deputy conservancy district marshal