Indiana 211 accepting reports of storm damage
To help establish a comprehensive assessment of damage, residents of several Indiana counties are asked to contact Indiana 211 to report damage from storms on March 14 and March 19.
Currently, only residents of Gibson, Martin and Pike counties should utilize Indiana 211 for reporting weather damage from storms on March 14. Bartholomew County residents may report damage from storms on March 19. Residents of other counties should contact their local emergency managers.
Residents can call 866-211-9966 or visit Collecting assessments via this process will help IDHS determine damage estimates and develop the next course of action in the disaster recovery process. Agricultural damage should be reported to Purdue Extension.
SBA disaster loans available
Businesses and residents of several Indiana counties are eligible to apply for low-interest disaster loans from the U.S. Small Business Administration. Find the application deadlines for multiple incidents on the Disaster Declarations page.
About Individual Disaster Assistance
The Recovery Section administers Individual Assistance as provided under federal law during a Presidential Declared Disaster (PL93-288 as amended by PL100-700). The Other Needs Assistance (ONA) Program is part of the FEMA Individuals and Households Program (IHP). These programs provide disaster assistance in the form of grants for home repair, rental assistance and personal property lost or damaged during the disaster for homeowners and renters.
The ONA program works closely with the American Red Cross, Salvation Army, local unmet needs groups, U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA), National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP) and various state and local agencies.