Routine Repairs No Longer Permitted or Accepted
Pursuant to 675 IAC 30-1-1(a)(3), Indiana has adopted the National Board Inspection Code (NBIC) Parts 1, 2, 3, and 4 (2019 Edition). Part 3, Section 3.3.2 of the NBIC addresses "routine repairs" and vests discretion in the jurisdictional authority to accept these types of repairs.
During the final quarter of 2023, IDHS announced its intention to no longer accept routine repairs on pressure-retaining items as of Jan. 1, 2024. During this time — and prior to any implementation of this new regulatory position — IDHS accepted feedback from the regulated community.
After reviewing the submitted feedback and engaging in internal deliberative discussions, IDHS has made the decision to no longer accept routine repairs. Therefore, as of Jan. 1, 2024, routine repairs are no longer permitted or accepted in this jurisdiction.
- Non-rule policy: Routine repairs on pressure-retaining items
Error in Public Safety Portal
After submitting an application and payment using the Public Safety Portal, please be advised that your transaction will be successfully processed, despite some areas of the receipt being empty. Please do not make duplicate payments, as there is no need to start over and resubmit. A member of the IDHS staff will contact you directly if your application has other issues that need to be addressed.
About the Boilers and Pressure Vessels Section
The Boilers and Pressure Vessels Section of the Indiana Department of Homeland Security (the “Department”) is charged with carrying out a program to enforce the equipment laws (as defined in IC 22-12-1-11) regulating boilers and pressure vessels in Indiana. Generally speaking, these laws require: (1) an operating permit to be obtained from the Department prior to operating a regulated boiler or pressure vessel; (2) all operating permit inspections to be performed by a boiler or pressure vessel inspector licensed by the Department; and (3) the Department to perform operating permit inspections on all regulated boiler or pressure vessels owned by the state.
To enforce these requirements, the Department may inspect any boiler or pressure vessel and sanction operating permits, inspector licenses, and any individual who violates these equipment laws. Please be advised, the Department does not regulate all boilers and pressure vessels. For a list of the boilers or pressure vessels not regulated by Indiana law, see 675 IAC 30-1-2(f). For a list of boilers or pressure vessels exempt from the operating permit requirement, but that still must comply with all other equipment rules, see 675 IAC 30-1-5(b).

Access the Public Safety Portal
Use the Public Safety Portal for permits, licenses and inspections for boilers and pressure vessels.