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Critical Infrastructure and Business EOC Planning

Critical Infrastructure and Business EOC Planning

Oil refinery in Gary aerial view
Oil refinery in Gary aerial view

About Critical Infrastructure and Business EOC Planning

Critical infrastructure and business emergency operations center (EOC) planning is responsible for all state planning development and maintenance services related to the following emergency management areas:

  • Indiana Critical Infrastructure Protection Plan (ICIPP)
  • Business Emergency Operations Center Program (BEOC)
  • Public-Private Partnerships Program (PPP or P3)
  • Emergency Support Function 12: Energy (ESF12)
  • Emergency Support Function 14: Cross-Sector Business and Infrastructure (ESF14)
  • Energy Assurance Plan (EAP)
  • Dam Safety Plan (in support of DNR)
  • Water Shortage/Drought Plan (in support of DNR)

In a nutshell, four of this planner's lines of effort are very closely interrelated. The BEOC serves as a communications link to disseminate emergency information to the private sector. The P3 program facilitates collaboration and coordination efforts with and among the private-sector owners and operators of critical infrastructure. The ICIPP identifies and prioritizes critical infrastructure assets within the state, relying on the P3 networking.

The planner also serves in the ESF14 role during State Emergency Operations Center (SEOC) activations, operates the BEOC dashboard and coordinates with unaligned entities.


Critical infrastructure and business emergency operations planning covers a wide scope of work. Below are just a few of the areas.

Did You Know?

  • The four core critical infrastructure sectors are:
    Communications, Energy, Transportation, Water