EMS Service Provider Certifications, Forms and Information
EMS Provider Certifications, Forms and Information
Indiana AED Registry
Register an AEDIndiana AED Registry
Job Postings
Post EMS job openingsJob Postings
Mobile Sim Lab
Schedule mobile trainingMobile Sim Lab
General EMS Information, Guidance and Statutes

General Information
- Course standards and guidelines
- EMS Commission non-rule policies
- EMS Commission rules: Title 836
- Indiana EMS for Children
- Individual EMS certification verification
- Ketamine use analysis
- Medical director resources
- Schedule of fines and civil penalties
- Scope of practice (all provider levels)
- Transfer of care for transport agreement template

- Adult Protective Services (FSSA)
- Child Protective Services (FSSA)
- Carfentanil safety for first responders
- Controlled Substance Practitioner's Manual (DEA)
- CPR and AED how-to videos
- Drug-Endangered Child (DEC) Protocol (DCS)
- EMS exposure requirements
- Fentanyl and fentanyl analog exposures
- Flu safety for first responders
- Hospital diversions guidance
- Hospital diversions status - EMResource instructions
- Infection prevention
- Operational K-9 EMS treatment (BOAH)
- POST/advance directives
- Trauma Transportation Rule and Destination Guide

EMS Statutes
EMS Vehicle Laws
- Definition of authorized emergency vehicle
- Definition of medical services vehicle
- Designation of authorized emergency vehicles
- Equipping vehicle with sirens, whistles or bells
- Freeway and interstate highway entrance and exits, crossovers
- Pedestrians and right of way
- Special equipment for emergency vehicles
- Speed limits
- Traffic regulations for emergency vehicles (applicability)
- Traffic regulations for emergency vehicles
- Vehicle equipment (lights)
- Vehicles displaying flashing lights and right of way
- Volunteer firefighter private vehicle blue lights
ALS and BLS Provider Forms
If you have questions regarding rules, equipment or standards while filling out the applications, please refer to Title 836.
- Emergency Vehicle Equipment Checklist - General
This checklist includes all of the mandated equipment to be carried on BLS and ALS vehicles. Please have ready only the equipment pertaining to your level of service.
- Initial - ALS Service Provider Application (new or upgrading service)
- Renewal Application
- Staff Roster (also needs to be signed by medical director)
Medical Director Approval Forms
- Initial - BLS Service Provider Application (new or upgrading service)
- Renewal Application
- Staff Roster (also needs to be signed by medical director)
Medical Director Approval Forms
- Initial - BLS Service Provider Application
- Renewal Application
- Staff Roster (also needs to be signed by medical director)
Medical Director Approval Forms
Miscellaneous Provider Forms
If you have questions regarding rules, equipment or standards while filling out the applications, please refer to Title 836.
- Initial and Renewal Application
- Aircraft Application for Certification
- Staff Roster (also needs to be signed by medical director)
Medical Director Approval Form
- Initial and Renewal Application
- Staff Roster (also needs to be signed by medical director)
Note: On Section E, "approval of medical staff" means the CMO or Chief of Staff, NOT the service or ED Medical Director.