The submission of an application starts an automatic 10-business-day clock. Within those 10 business days, IDHS will respond to the application with one of: (1) a notice of Construction Design Release, (2) a notice of incomplete filing or (3) a notice that the project has been selected for a review. Before that response, if you upload additional documents, the 10-day period will restart.
If your project is selected for a review, you will either receive a release or request for corrections to your plans within 20 business days of delivery of the notice of plan review. If you receive a request for corrections, upon submission of corrected plans, you will receive a release or an additional request for corrections within 10 business days following the receipt of corrections. This 10-day review window following receipt of corrected plans continues until a design release is issued.
Consequently, it is in your interest to provide all your latest, finished materials at the time you file your project initially. Please do not file an incomplete set of documents and use the 10-day period to complete and upload your work. If you do so, each upload will send your project back to the start of the line.
- Determination of a Complete Project
- Fee Schedule
Note: Find the fee schedule listed in Article 12, Rule 3, starting on page 5.
Do You Need to File?
To determine if your project may be exempt from filing with the state, please send an email to planreview@dhs.in.gov. Give a detailed description of work to be performed as well as city and county where the work will take place.
The decision chart here is intended to be an aid in determining whether Indiana law requires you to file your project with the state of Indiana. As always, IDHS recommends you contact a construction design professional to ensure compliance with all Indiana laws.
- If one scope is required to be filed, then all scopes must be filed.
- All work must comply with all applicable codes whether or not it is required to be filed.
- All work, including that exempted from filing with the state, may require local permits.
Definition of a Class 1 Structure
The definition of a Class 1 structure is found in Indiana Code 22-12-1-4 and repeated in 675 IAC 12-6-2. Exemptions from design release requirement are found in 675 IAC 12-6-4. For more information on the General Administrative Rules (GAR) and amendments for all applicable state building codes, visit the Rules of the Indiana Fire Prevention and Building Safety Commission page.
A Class 1 structure is any structure that is used or occupied by:
- The public
- Employees
- Three or more tenants
- Site improvement that affects persons with disabilities
- Storage facilities, tanks and dispensing equipment for flammable and combustible liquids or gases
Note: In general, supportive living facilities are considered Class 1 structures. For conditions that must be met for a supportive living facility to be considered a Class 2 structure, review the Classification of Supportive Living Facilities guidance. Buildings used only for an agricultural purpose on the land where they are located and not used for retail trade are not Class 1 structures. Vehicular bridges are not Class 1 structures.
Definition of Construction
The definition of construction is found in 675 IAC 12-6-2.
Interactive Step-By-Step: To File or Not To File
Select the following button for a step-by-step walk-through of whether you need to file your project with the state.
Submittal Checklists
Please use the following checklists as guides to help with completing the following submittals.
- Addendum Filing Submittal
- Application Submittal
- Architectural Submittal
- Architectural Shell Submittal
- Balance of Plans Submittal
- Chapter 34 (Existing Buildings) Submittal
- Electrical Submittal
- Exhaust Hood Submittal
- Fire Alarm Submittal
- Fire Extinguishing System Submittal
- Fire Sprinkler Submittal
- Foundation Submittal
- Mechanical Submittal
- Paint Spray Booth Submittal
- Partial Filing Submittal
- Plumbing Submittal
- Structural Submittal
- Swimming Pool, Spa or Water Attraction Submittal
- Underground or Aboveground Tank Submittal
Selected Projects Guidance
- Fire Suppression System
For an Existing Project
- Check status
- File an addendum
- File a partial
- Include a copy of the NICET card or certificate (if required).
- File a project electronically
Example Situation
You have filed for a project and were granted a release, which did not include the fire suppression system. In this situation, you would then file a request for a partial design release. The fees will be calculated based on the fees for a partial filing. Currently, the fee is $250. Be sure to reference the State Building Code Number of the current release.
For a New Project
- File a project electronically
- Complete and upload the Construction Design Release application.
- Upload the following drawings:
- Drawings showing size of water main, static residual pressure and gpm
- Drawings showing control valves, check valves, inspection connection, drain valve and fire department connection
- Floor plan showing riser, cross main, branch lines and sprinkler location
- Sprinkler cut sheets
- Hanger details
- Standpipe details, roof manifold and bottom connections
- High pile storage information: height and type of commodity
- Type of storage: rack, solid pile or palletized
- Flow test information and date
Example Situation
You are submitting a brand-new application for Construction Design Release for which there has not been a release ever granted, or it has expired. You will still use the Fire Suppression System application. There will be no reference to a previous State Building Code Number because one will be assigned to the new project. Fees are calculated according to any other standard filing.
- Review the fee schedule listed in 675 IAC 12 at the Indiana Administrative Code website (Article 12, Rule 3, starting on page 5).
Want to Expedite a Project?
- The fee to expedite is $5,000, in addition to the required standard fees.
- File your project online, and after a successful submission, send an email to the IDHS Building Plan Review staff at planreview@dhs.in.gov and request that your project be expedited. The email should include the project number assigned to your filing.
- Storage Tanks for Flammable and Combustible Liquids
For an Existing Project
For a New Project
- File a project electronically
- Complete and upload the Storage Facilities for Flammable and Combustible Liquids and Gases application. Be sure to include the following information:
- Firm or owner information (certificate)
- Installation location
- For "Submitted by": Provide email address using comments section on Page 2. For underground storage tanks only, include installer's certification number.
- Installation information: Include the number of tanks with their Underwriter Laboratory listing and number of dispensers.
- Upload the following drawings:
- Dimensioned location of all tanks to all property lines, buildings and other tanks
- Dimensioned location of pumps, dispensers and all other related equipment to all property lines and buildings
- Location, type and sizing of all piping and valves
- Sections showing:
- The depth below ground
- Type of covering over the tanks (such as earth, concrete or asphalt, including thicknesses)
- Supports, saddles, straps and other related material used to secure, anchor or support the tanks
- For above-ground storage tanks: Diking, unless the tank is an approved, listed double-walled tank
- Complete and upload the Storage Facilities for Flammable and Combustible Liquids and Gases application. Be sure to include the following information:
For more information, view the Filing Requirements for Above-Ground and Underground Storage Tanks presentation.
- Review the fee schedule listed in 675 IAC 12 at the Indiana Administrative Code website (Article 12, Rule 3, starting on page 5).
- The fees are based on the number of tanks, plus the one-time project processing fee. For example:
- $240 for 3 tanks ($80 per tank)
- $75 filing fee ($75 per project)
- Total: $315
- A local inspection fee of $200 may apply in areas that do not have local inspection programs or projects owned by State of Indiana because a state inspector would be sent to provide the service. In those cases, no other local permit would be required.
Want to Expedite a Project?
- The fee to expedite is $5,000, in addition to the required standard fees.
- File your project online, and after a successful submission, send an email to the IDHS Building Plan Review staff at planreview@dhs.in.gov and request that your project be expedited. The email should include the project number assigned to your filing.
- File a project electronically
- Fire Alarms
For an Existing Project
For a New Project
- File a project electronically
- Complete and upload the Construction Design Release application.
- Upload the following drawings:
- Location of fire alarms
- Location of pull stations
- Location of fire alarm control panel
- Location of smoke detectors
- Location of strobes
- Location of heat detectors
- Review the fee schedule listed in 675 IAC 12 at the Indiana Administrative Code website (Article 12, Rule 3, starting on page 5).
Want to Expedite a Project?
- The fee to expedite is $5,000, in addition to the required standard fees.
- File your project online, and after a successful submission, send an email to the IDHS Building Plan Review staff at planreview@dhs.in.gov and request that your project be expedited. The email should include the project number assigned to your filing.
- File a project electronically
- Addition or Remodeling Project
For an Existing Project
For a New Project
- File a project electronically
- Complete and upload the Construction Design Release application.
- Upload the following drawings:
- Site plan showing dimensioned location of building to all property lines and to all existing buildings on the property, as well as width of any streets, access roadways or easements bordering the property
- Foundation and basement plans and details
- Dimensioned floor plans for all floors
- Fire and life safety plan showing graphically or by legend the location and rating of building elements such as area separation walls, smoke barriers, fire-resistive corridor walls, stair enclosures, shaft enclosures and horizontal exists
- Wall elevations of all exterior walls including adjacent ground elevation
- Sections and details of walls, floors and roof, showing dimensions, materials
- Structural plans and elevations showing size and location of all members, truss designs showing all connection details and stress calculations
- Room finish schedule showing finishes for walls, ceilings and floors in all rooms, stairways, hallways and corridors
- Door schedule showing material, size, thickness and fire-resistive rating for all doors
- Electrical plans, diagrams, details and grounding of service entrance and power or lighting information required for energy conservation
- Plumbing plans showing location of fixtures, risers, drains and piping isometrics
- Mechanical plans showing location and size of ductwork, equipment, fire dampers, smoke dampers and equipment schedules showing capacity
- Fire protection plans showing type of system, location of sprinkler heads, standpipes, hose connections, fire pumps, riser and hanger details
- Energy Code Information - ComCheck (use version 2007 ASHRAW 90.1 or 2009 IECC, both with most recent software of 4.0 or newer) or equivalent
- Review the fee schedule listed in 675 IAC 12 at the Indiana Administrative Code website (Article 12, Rule 3, starting on page 5).
Want to Expedite a Project?
- The fee to expedite is $5,000, in addition to the required standard fees.
- File your project online, and after a successful submission, send an email to the IDHS Building Plan Review staff at planreview@dhs.in.gov and request that your project be expedited. The email should include the project number assigned to your filing.
- File a project electronically
- Hoods: Type 1 and Type 2
For an Existing Project
- Check status
- File an addendum
- Hood and/or hood fire suppression system submittals can be filed as an addendum to a project that has the mechanical scope released. Hood fire suppression system submittals can be filed as an addendum to a project that has the hood scope released.
- File a partial
- File a project electronically
For a New Project
- File a project electronically
- Complete and upload the Construction Design Release application.
- Upload the following drawings:
- Detailed plans showing location of hood(s) over actual equipment to be installed. Elevation view should be front and side with dimensions.
- Fire suppression information for the hood: type and details
- Review the fee schedule listed in 675 IAC 12 at the Indiana Administrative Code website (Article 12, Rule 3, starting on page 5).
Want to Expedite a Project?
- The fee to expedite is $5,000, in addition to the required standard fees.
- File your project online, and after a successful submission, send an email to the IDHS Building Plan Review staff at planreview@dhs.in.gov and request that your project be expedited. The email should include the project number assigned to your filing.
- Swimming Pools
For an Existing Project
- Check status
- File an addendum
- File a partial
- File a project electronically
- To file a pool remodel, submit plans and details of all pool changes or alterations. Indicate scopes that are to be released.
For a New Project
Pools, spas and water attractions must have a design professional prepare and sign. Splash pads or spray pads with pools and zero-depth entry pools also require filing.
- File a project electronically
- Complete and upload the Swimming Pool application.
- Upload the following drawings:
- Site plan showing dimension location of all pools to all property lines, buildings and other pools
- Sections and details
- Completed pool data information. See Page 2 of application.
- Schematics of proposed circulation and filtration systems
- Floor plan (deck and pool or pools)
- Safety features
- Review the fee schedule listed in 675 IAC 12 at the Indiana Administrative Code website (Article 12, Rule 3, starting on page 5).
- Category E: $0.02 times the gross cubic feet
- Filing fee: $75
Want to Expedite a Project?
- The fee to expedite is $5,000, in addition to the required standard fees.
- File your project online, and after a successful submission, send an email to the IDHS Building Plan Review staff at planreview@dhs.in.gov and request that your project be expedited. The email should include the project number assigned to your filing.
- Site-Built Structures: Class 1
All Class 1 structures must be filed.
Definition of a Class 1 Structure
A Class 1 structure is any structure that is used or occupied by:
- The public
- Employees
- Three or more tenants
- Site improvement that affects persons with disabilities
- Storage facilities, tanks and dispensing equipment for flammable and combustible liquids or gases
Note: In general, supportive living facilities are considered Class 1 structures. For conditions that must be met for a supportive living facility to be considered a Class 2 structure, review the Classification of Supportive Living Facilities guidance.
Need more help? See the Do You Need to File? section above for more information, including a decision tree.
For an Existing Project
For a New Project
- File a project electronically
- Complete and upload the Construction Design Release application.
- Upload the following drawings:
- Site plan showing dimensioned location of building to all property lines and to all existing buildings on the property, as well as width of any streets, access roadways or easements bordering the property
- Foundation and basement plans and details
- Dimensioned floor plans for all floors
- Fire and life safety plan showing graphically or by legend the location and rating of building elements such as area separation walls, smoke barriers, fire-resistive corridor walls, stair enclosures, shaft enclosures and horizontal exists
- Wall elevations of all exterior walls including adjacent ground elevation
- Sections and details of walls, floors and roof, showing dimensions, materials
- Structural plans and elevations showing size and location of all members, truss designs showing all connection details and stress calculations
- Room finish schedule showing finishes for walls, ceilings and floors in all rooms, stairways, hallways and corridors
- Door schedule showing material, size, thickness and fire-resistive rating for all doors
- Electrical plans, diagrams, details and grounding of service entrance and power or lighting information required for energy conservation
- Plumbing plans showing location of fixtures, risers, drains and piping isometrics
- Mechanical plans showing location and size of ductwork, equipment, fire dampers, smoke dampers and equipment schedules showing capacity
- Fire protection plans showing type of system, location of sprinkler heads, standpipes, hose connections, fire pumps, riser and hanger details
- Energy Code Information - ComCheck (use version 2007 ASHRAW 90.1 or 2009 IECC, both with most recent software of 4.0 or newer) or equivalent
- Review the fee schedule listed in 675 IAC 12 at the Indiana Administrative Code website (Article 12, Rule 3, starting on page 5).
Want to Secure an Early Foundation Release?
- Pay $80 fee, in addition to the required standard fees.
- Request foundation at the time of submittal of project.
- Foundation generally released within 48 hours of receipt with complete submission information.
Want to Expedite a Project?
- The fee to expedite is $5,000, in addition to the required standard fees.
- File your project online, and after a successful submission, send an email to the IDHS Building Plan Review staff at planreview@dhs.in.gov and request that your project be expedited. The email should include the project number assigned to your filing.