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Elevator and Amusement Ride Fees

675 IAC 12-3-14 Regulated lifting device permitting and certification fees

Authority: IC 22-12-6-6; IC 22-13-2-13
Affected: IC 22-15-5

Sec. 14. (a) An application for an installation or alteration permit for a regulated lifting device shall be accompanied by payment as follows:

Type of Device Amount
(1) Vertical wheelchair lift, incline wheelchair lift, and incline chair lift $250
(2) Any other regulated lifting device, including elevator, escalator, belt manlift, personnel hoist, sewage lift station personnel hoist, or dumbwaiter $500

(b) An application for an initial or renewal operating certificate for a regulated lifting device shall be accompanied by payment of one hundred twenty dollars ($120).
(c) An application for a temporary operating permit for a regulated lifting device shall be accompanied by a payment of one hundred dollars ($100).
(d) All payments to the office are payable to the Fire and Building Services Fund. The Director of Code Enforcement may authorize the refunding of any fee specified in this section which was paid or collected in error. (Fire Prevention and Building Safety

Commission; 675 IAC 12-3-14; filed Dec 9, 2002, 11:15 a.m.: 26 IR 1557, eff Apr 1, 2003)

675 IAC 12-3-15 Regulated lifting device professional licensing fees

Authority: IC 22-12-6-6; IC 22-13-2-13
Affected: IC 22-15-5

Sec. 15. (a) An application for an initial or renewal license as an elevator contractor, elevator inspector, or elevator mechanic shall be accompanied by payment as follows:

Type of License Amount
(1) Elevator contractor $500
(2) Elevator inspector $100
(3) Elevator mechanic $100
(4) Temporary elevator mechanic $100
(5) Emergency elevator mechanic $25

(b) All payments to the office are payable to the Fire and Building Services Fund. The Director of Code Enforcement may authorize the refunding of any fee specified in this section which was paid or collected in error. (Fire Prevention and Building Safety Commission; 675 IAC 12-3-15; filed Dec 9, 2002, 11:15 a.m.: 26 IR 1558)

675 IAC 23-1-63 Annual inspection fees

Authority: IC 22-12-6-6; IC 22-13-2-9; IC 22-15-2-6; IC 22-15-7
Affected: IC 22-13-2-3; IC 22-15-2-7; IC 36-7-2-9

Sec. 63. (a) The fee for an annual inspection of permanent and portable amusement devices except for those covered in
subsection (b) shall be based on the size and complexity of the device as follows:

Fee Type of Device Description
$144 Kiddie An amusement device designed for seventy-five pounds (75#) or less per passenger unit intended for use by children age twelve (12) and under.
$144 Major An amusement device designed for seventy-five pounds (75#) or more intended for use by children above age twelve (12) and not listed as a spectacular amusement device.
$144 Spectacular Includes the following list of amusement devices and any similar amusement device:
Himalayas-Flying Bobs
Sky Wheels
Sky Divers
Falling Stars
High Rise, Roller Coaster
Log Flume
Hang 10

(b) The fee for an annual inspection of passenger tramways, aerial tramways and lifts, surface lifts and tows shall be based
on mode of transportation of passengers uphill, on the surface or above the surface.

Recreational Facilities
Mode of TransportationFee - Per Driving Mechanism
On Surface $144
Above Surface $288

(c) Reinspection fees shall be one-half (½) of the annual inspection fee.
(d) Subsequent inspection fee shall be one hundred dollars ($100) per device. (Fire Prevention and Building Safety Commission; 675 IAC 23-1-63; filed Sep 19, 1986, 9:15 a.m.: 10 IR 251, eff Nov 1, 1986; filed Sep 13, 1988, 2:32 p.m.: 12 IR 318; readopted filed Sep 11, 2001, 2:49 p.m.: 25 IR 530; filed Apr 16, 2002, 9:05 a.m.: 25 IR 2735)