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Note: Not all events on the IDHS calendar are organized, hosted or sponsored by IDHS or other state agencies. Some events are included for informational purposes as events that the public or first responders may find beneficial.


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Burns training center description
Burns training center description
Plainfield high-rise tower to serve as fire training hub; more new training locations announced

State Fire Marshal Steve Jones and Indiana Department of Corrections leadership broke ground on a new training site during a ceremony in Plainfield in late 2024. At the ceremony, IDHS announced the next phase of the Hub-and-Spoke Training plan, where five new training towers will be built in central and southern Indiana. These sites continue the expansion of state-sponsored locations to help eliminate "training deserts" across Indiana.

NextLevel Firefighting

Four-part video series on first responder mental health

First responder mental health is a rising topic across the state. State Fire Marshal Steve Jones joins a panel of leaders in the Indiana fire service to promote the importance of mental health and actively try to sway the stigma surrounding getting help when needed.

Mental health video series

Training Areas

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