Registration, Suppliers, UEI and FEIN
- What is a supplier number?
- What is a bidder number?
- What is my organization's supplier/bidder number? Do we have a supplier/bidder number?
- Does my organization have to have a supplier/bidder number to apply for a grant?
- How does my organization register for a supplier number?
- How does my organization register for a bidder number?
- What is a UEI number?
- How do I get a UEI number?
- What is a FEIN?
- What if my organization does not get the supplier/bidder number in time to apply?
- How do I complete the application?
- How do I delete a row I do not need?
- Is my project new or a continuation?
- Can I edit my application once it is submitted?
- Can you review my application before I submit it?
- How do I submit my application?
- Is there a way to populate this year's application with last year's information?
- What is the difference between a proposal and a budget?
Secured School Safety Grant
- Who is eligible to apply for the Secured School Safety Grant (SSSG)?
- We have already paid for our SRO/equipment. Are we still eligible for the SSSG?
- We are a private school; we do not get audited. What should I do?
- What is meant by anticipated matching grant funds?
- What is the best practice for applying for SRO/LEO positions?
- Do I have to upload a job description for our SRO?
- How do I apply for the Common School Fund loan?
- What are considered allowable items or projects under the SSSG?
Federal Application Eligibility
EMPG Salary
Program and Fiscal Reports
- What is a grant adjustment notice (sometimes referred to as a GAN)?
- When does a grant agreement become fully executed?
- What documents are acceptable for a grant reimbursement?
- I submitted a grant application. When can purchases be made?
- How will I know when my contract or grant agreement is fully executed?
- What does it mean to close out my grant award?
- How do I adjust my project budget?
- How do I know what projects or expenditures are eligible or not for a grant program?
Still have questions? Submit them through the Grants Support Ticket.