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Secure School Safety Grant Match Requirements

Special Considerations Before Applying

The Secured School Safety Grant is a matching and reimbursement grant. This means that all schools will be required to spend money from their own funds FIRST before receiving grant funding in the form of a reimbursement for expenditures that occur during the period of performance.

ALL schools can apply up to $100,000 in grant funds.

If the school chooses to apply for grant funding it will be required to match the grant funds. Match is calculated based on the school’s ADM and the amount of grant funding requested.

The following are examples based on the school’s ADM. Please only read for your school’s ADM.

ADM Grant Funding Breakdown

Key Definitions

ADM: Average Daily Membership

Match: The amount of money that is spent on the project that is not paid by state funds.

Match rate: The percentage of money that a school will be required to fund on the project before receiving grant funds.

Grant Funding: The amount of money that will be reimbursed to the school after the school has spent the required amount of its own funding.

Project cost: The total cost of the project which includes the match, grant funding, and any other associated funds not covered by the grant.