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Community & Urban Forestry Annual Grants

Overview of Grant Program

Each year the Indiana Department of Natural Resources Community and Urban Forestry (CUF) program has a Community & Urban Forestry Assistance (CUFA) grant provided by the United States Department of Agriculture Forest Service (USFS) Northeastern Area. We encourage communities throughout Indiana to advance their urban forestry goals through application to this program.

Grant Amounts

Tree Inventory or Urban Tree Canopy Assessment  $1,000 - $20,000
Management/Response Plan  $1,000 - $8,000
Education/Training  $1,000 - $5,000
New Tree Planting  $1,000 - $10,000
Community Education/Awareness Events  $1,000 - $5,000

Eligible Applicants: Local units of government or 501(c)(3) non-profit organizations. One application per community per grant year. If awarded, the applicant will enter into a State Grant Agreement and must take responsibility for all aspects of the project through completion

Eligible Projects: This grant supports a variety of urban forestry projects throughout Indiana. The types of activities CUF seeks to promote include public tree inventories with urban forestry management plans, urban tree canopy assessments, storm response planning, tree planting, public and/or staff education, program outreach, and the establishment and strengthening of local urban forestry programs. Physical projects must be on public lands or in public rights-of-way.

Match Requirement: All grant requests require a minimum 1:1 match. Consideration will be given to projects exceeding 1:1 match. Grant funds are awarded on a reimbursable basis.

Match is an important part of this budget because grant funds must be equally matched or exceeded by the Subgrantee. Match can be all cash, all in-kind donations, or a mix of both. Note that any match helps expand the scope of a grant project. The proposed match must be directly related to the project and must occur during the grant period. Since this is a federally funded grant, you can use state or local funds for your match, but you cannot use other federal funding sources for match.

Project Evaluation: Eligible projects will be evaluated by a panel of urban forestry professionals, urban foresters, and tree-planting not-for-profit members. Applications will be evaluated based on how well they meet the criteria outlined in the Community & Urban Forestry Assistance Grant Application Instructions. All applications are then ranked after they have been evaluated. The projects, in order from highest to lowest rank, will be allocated funding.

Additional information and applications are available from:

Jacob Roos
CUF Program Director

The Indiana Department of Natural Resources (IDNR), Division of Forestry Community & Urban Forestry Program (CUF), and the United States Forest Service (USFS) sponsors these three grant programs. To be eligible for a grant, applicants must be a Municipality or a non-profit 501(c)3.

Important to know

  • There is a 1:1 match requirement for these grant opportunities.
  • All funds will be dispensed on a reimbursable basis.
  • All application materials are to be submitted in digital format and emailed to Faxed or hard copy applications will not be accepted.
  • Application deadline is September 4, 2024
  • Awards will be announced via email by October 4, 2024. Activities funded by these grants will begin upon notification of award and conclude by June 30, 2026.
  • These application materials comprise a legal record of the conditions of the grant you’re applying for. Keep a copy for reference and guidance.


IDNR Division of Forestry CUF
Phone: 317-234-4386


  • Community & Urban Forestry Assistance (CUFA) Grant

    This grant seeks to invest in the long-term growth and development of community forestry programs in Indiana to support:

    • Expansion of urban tree canopy cover
    • Preservation of existing urban tree canopy cover
    • Increased and more equitable access to urban tree canopy and the health, environmental, and economic benefits associated with increased canopy
    • Broadened community engagement in local urban forest planning.
    • Improved resilience to climate change, pests, and storm events through best management and maintenance practices

    The specific project types funded by this grant are listed below. Your overall project may include one or more types. Your requests for project funds must be for a minimum of $1,000 to a maximum of $25,000. The overall level of funds available is $230,000.

    • Tree Inventory or Urban Tree Canopy Assessment: The community may use this grant for the development and implementation of or the expansion of a community tree inventory or urban tree canopy assessment. The inventory will conform to the minimum standards outlined in Addendum B.
    • Management/Response Plan: The community may use this grant to cover expenses related to the creation or update of an urban forestry management or response plan. It can also be used to fund the development or the review and update of tree ordinances.
    • Education/Training: The community may use this grant to cover the costs of educating and training the Project Coordinator, tree advisory groups, municipal staff, and local officials in the proper care of trees.
    • Community Engagement & Tree Planting:
      • Any tree planting project MUST include community engagement. If you already have a community engagement plan/program, please include it in your application. All grant recipients will work closely with the CUF team to develop a community engagement strategy that is unique to your community and its needs. The specifics of this strategy will develop as your project does but keep this requirement in mind as you complete this application.
      • Tree plantings must take place on public property and may be used to fulfill management plan goals, address ecosystem improvements, and/or address inequities in access to green infrastructure. Note that 100% of the project trees must be species native to Indiana (exceptions can be made for establishments of urban food forest). Additionally, this grant cannot be used for the purchase of trees in the Acer genus (maples). Exceptions shall be made if a current inventory and management plan demonstrates your Acer population is less than 5% of the overall tree community. In that case, no more than 5% of the total grant project trees are to be of the genus Acer. All trees will be planted to the standards in Addendum A to receive reimbursement. All tree planting projects MUST include a maintenance plan with the grant application. If you do not indicate in your application how you will care for and maintain the newly planted trees your application will be ineligible, and you will not be considered for funding. See Addendum A: Tree Planting Project Requirements for additional information.
    • Other Activities: You may fund activities or other projects specific to urban forestry and/or arboriculture in your community. Examples include urban wood utilization, establishment of urban food forests, invasive species removal (please contact our office for guidance regarding invasives), establishment of a not-for-profit organization, and development and implementation of a community website specific to urban forestry.

    Information for CUFA Grant Applicants

    Grant Instructions

    Grant Forms and Documents to be Submitted in Application


  • State Urban Forest Resilience (SUFR) Funding Grant

    This grant seeks to restore and improve urban forests due to catastrophic losses from the Emerald Ash Borer while building resiliency through tree diversity and the protection of existing trees. Funds from this grant are to be used for management and reforestation that includes tree planting, tree removals and treatments of threatened trees.

    Things to consider before applying

    • Only applicants who can provide proof of a fully updated (5 years or less) tree inventory are eligible for this grant. If you do not meet this criterion but are still interested in this opportunity, please contact our office to discuss your options.
    • All project aspects must take place on public property.
    • All project types must include tree planting.
    • The Project Coordinator and the ISA Certified Arborist can be the same person.

    Resources on the Emerald Ash Borer (EAB)

    The specific project types funded by this grant are listed below. Your overall project may include one or more types but must include tree planting. Your request for project funds must be for a minimum of $5,000 to a maximum of $50,000. The overall level of funds available is $148,066.

    • Ash Tree Removal-Removal of EAB infested or dead Ash trees. If your project includes Ash tree removals, it must be paired with planting at least two trees for every one tree that is removed. All trees to be removed must be Ash trees (Fraxinus spp.) Any trees that will be removed must present a significant and present harm to the community. To receive reimbursement for tree removals, a report signed by an ISA Certified Arborist is REQUIRED. You may substitute a report with an up-to-date tree inventory. However, you must provide the name, qualifications, and certifications of the one who prepared the inventory. Your application must include the location and number of trees to be removed, cost estimates, a tree planting plan to replace the trees that were removed and an updated tree inventory or report from an ISA Certified Arborist.
    • Ash Tree Treatment-Insecticidal treatments may be performed on Ash trees (Fraxinus spp.). To receive reimbursement for Ash tree treatments, a report signed by an ISA Certified Arborist is REQUIRED. You may substitute a report with an up-to-date tree inventory. However, you must provide the name, qualifications, and certifications of the one who prepared the inventory. Your application must include the location and number of trees to be treated, cost estimates and an updated tree inventory or report from an ISA Certified Arborist. Any tree to be treated for the EAB must at least be in good-fair overall condition or less than 30% canopy thinning as stated in the signed report or inventory.
    • Tree Planting & Community Engagement:
      • Any tree planting project MUST include community engagement. If you already have a community engagement plan/program, please include it in your application. All grant recipients will work closely with the CUF team to develop a community engagement strategy that is unique to your community and its needs. The specifics of this strategy will develop as your project does but keep this requirement in mind as you complete this application.
      • Tree plantings may be used to restore urban forests due to losses from EAB and other pests and diseases and build resiliency through tree diversity. Note that 100% of the project trees must be species native to Indiana. Additionally, this grant cannot be used for the purchase of trees in the Acer genus (maples). Exceptions shall be made if a current inventory and management plan demonstrates your Acer population is less than 5% of the overall tree community. In that case, no more than 5% of the total grant project trees are to be of the genus Acer. All trees will be planted to the standards in Addendum A to receive reimbursement. All tree planting projects MUST include a maintenance plan with the grant application. If you do not indicate in your application how you will care for and maintain the newly planted trees your application will be ineligible, and you will not be considered for funding.

    Information for SUFR Grant Applicants

    Grant Forms and Documents to be Submitted in Application


  • Natural Disaster Recovery (NDR) Grant

    This grant seeks to assist in the recovery of a community’s urban tree canopy following the result of a natural disaster through the planting of replacement trees optionally paired with one or more of the following urban forestry management tools:

    • a community tree inventory or a canopy assessment
    • a management plan or a storm response plan

    The specific project types funded by this grant are listed below. Your overall project may include one or more types, but all applications must include tree planting. Your requests for project funds must be for a minimum of $1,000 to a maximum of $20,000. The overall level of funds available is $40,000.

    • Tree Inventory or Urban Tree Canopy Assessment: Grant funds used for the creation or update of a community tree inventory or urban tree canopy assessment. The inventory will conform to the minimum standards outlined in Addendum B.
    • Management/Response Plan: The community may use this grant to cover expenses related to the creation or update of an urban forestry management to aid in the response of a natural disaster or a storm response plan. It can also be used to fund the development or the review and update of tree ordinances.
    • Tree Planting & Community Engagement:
      • Any tree planting project MUST include community engagement. If you already have a community engagement plan/program, please include it in your application. All grant recipients will work closely with the CUF team to develop a community engagement strategy that is unique to your community and its needs. The specifics of this strategy will develop as your project does but keep this requirement in mind as you complete this application.
      • Tree plantings must take place on public property and may be used to restore lost canopy due to a natural disaster. Note that 100% of the project trees must be species native to Indiana. Additionally, this grant cannot be used for the purchase of trees in the Acer genus (maples). Exceptions shall be made if a current inventory and management plan demonstrates your Acer population is less than 5% of the overall tree community. In that case, no more than 5% of the total grant project trees are to be of the genus Acer. All trees will be planted to the standards in Addendum A to receive reimbursement. All tree planting projects MUST include a maintenance plan with the grant application. If you do not indicate in your application how you will care for and maintain the newly planted trees your application will be ineligible, and you will not be considered for funding. See Addendum A: Tree Planting Project Requirements for additional information.

    Information for NDR Grant Applicants

    Grant Forms and Documents to be Submitted in Application


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