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Community & Urban Forestry IRA Grants

Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) Grant

Indiana DNR Division of Forestry, Community & Urban Forestry has $2 million in grant funds available through the USDA Forest Service Urban & Community Forestry Program through the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA).

Grant Projects

  • Tree Inventory or Urban Tree Canopy Assessment
  • Management/Response Plan
  • Education/Training
  • Community Engagement & Tree Planting
  • Community Education/Awareness Events
  • Other activities (See application instructions)

Eligible Applicants: Local units of government or 501(c)(3) nonprofit organizations that have census tracts identified as underserved/disadvantaged. You can see if your community has been identified as underserved or disadvantaged by referencing the map at Climate & Economic Justice Screening Tool. If awarded, the applicant will enter into a State Grant Agreement and must take responsibility for all aspects of the project through completion.

Eligible Projects: Your entire community does NOT have to be identified as disadvantaged/underserved to be eligible for this funding; however, “on-the-ground work” (tree planting, maintenance, tree trimming and removals) must only take place within disadvantaged and underserved census tracts. Any project that includes inventories and/or management plans must be paired with “on-the-ground work” in the disadvantaged census tracts.

Match Requirement: There is no match required for this grant opportunity.

Project Evaluation: Eligible projects will be evaluated by a panel of urban forestry professionals, urban foresters, and tree-planting not-for-profit members. Applications will be evaluated based on how well they meet the criteria outlined in the Community & Urban Forestry Assistance Grant Application Instructions. All applications are then ranked after they have been evaluated. The projects, in order from highest to lowest rank, will be allocated funding.

Project Timeline: Application deadline is July 12, 2024. Awards will be announced by Aug. 30, 2024. Projects will conclude by Dec, 31, 2027.

Information for IRA Grant applicants

Grant Instructions

Grant Forms and Documents to be submitted in application:


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