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319 Cost-Share Program Requirements

The Federal Clean Water Act Section 319(h) provides funding for various types of practices that work to reduce nonpoint source water pollution. Section 319 grant projects in Indiana that are implementing best management practices (BMPs) are required by Indiana’s Nonpoint Source Program to develop a cost-share program. Details of the cost-share program must be submitted to the Indiana Department of Environmental Management (IDEM) Project Manager prior to implementing the program, including information requested in the Section 319 Cost-Share Program Development Guidelines. The approved cost-share program allows Section 319 funds to be used to pay a portion of the cost of implementing BMPs that reduce sediment, nutrients, and other pollutants from nonpoint sources in the watershed.

Additional Guidance

  • Clean Water Act Section 319 Agricultural Guidance for Indiana:
    • This guidance document provides general program information, suggested BMPs, funding restrictions, definitions of basic terminology, and frequently asked questions related to the distribution of cost-share and demonstration funds for BMPs implemented on agricultural land.
  • Clean Water Act Section 319 Urban Guidance for Indiana:
    • This guidance document provides general program information, priorities, funding restrictions, definitions of basic terminology, and frequently asked questions related to the distribution of Section 319 funds (through cost-share funds and non cost-share funds) on urban land: defined as forests, wetlands, mining areas, and land that is currently not cropland, pastureland, rangeland, native pastureland, other land used to support livestock production, or tree farms.
  • Guidance on Section 319 Grant Funding Eligibility for Projects within Designated Municipal Separate Storm Sewer Systems (MS4):
    • Section 319 grant funds cannot be used to fund compliance with permits or permit requirements, but these funds can be used to provide water quality benefits within urban areas, provided certain conditions are met. The Indiana Department of Environmental Management (IDEM) has developed guidance comprised of frequently asked questions on Section 319 Nonpoint Source grant eligibility for projects within designated Municipal Separate Storm Sewer Systems (MS4).
  • Load Reduction Calculations:
    • Pollutant load reductions must be calculated and reported to IDEM for most BMPs installed with cost-share or demonstration funds. Many BMP load reductions can be calculated using models. There are several models that will generate load reductions in a format that can be easily reported to IDEM.
  • Section 319 Eligible NRCS Field Office Technical Guide (FOTG) Practices:
    • This guidance contains a list of Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) FOTG practices that may be incorporated into a cost-share program and implemented with Section 319 funds. A quick reference to these practices is available in this list.

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