IntelliGrants is the grant application and management system platform used by IDHS and other state agencies.
Setup and Access to IntelliGrants
- If you are a new user and your organization is not yet registered in IntelliGrants, please visit the IntelliGrants site and register as a "New User."
- If you are a new user and your organization previously registered in IntelliGrants, the previously identified system administrator for your organization must add you as an additional user for the organization.
- If your organization previously registered in IntelliGrants and your system administrator is no longer employed by your organization, please submit a Grants Support Ticket.
- The first objective is to identify whether your organization has previously registered, and who was identified as the system administrator at that time. Before any organization can receive any potential grant funding, the organization must have previously registered as an (1) Approved Vendor, (2) Approved Bidder and (3) be issued a Data Universal Numbering System (DUNS) number. Learn more about these requirements and register from the Grants page.
New users to the system may register at any time, although approvals of new system administrators will occur on a rolling basis. The approved system administrator identified for your organization must add new/additional users to the account. Any delay in this process could impact your ability to apply for a specific grant, based on grant application periods, so it is recommended to resolve any administrator issues or needs as soon as possible.
Frequently Asked Questions
- How do I get my username and password?
- What happens if the information submitted is not accurate?
- Why does my organization need a system administrator?
- Who decides who serves as system administrator for my organization?
- Who should be the system administrator for my organization?
- Will entities have to work in IntelliGrants and iGMS?
- I am having technical issues.
- I'm from a school, and my school's name is not on the list. What should I do?
- Do I need to keep records of equipment purchases or do a regular inventory of equipment?