River Network is a nonprofit organization dedicated to helping local watershed groups protect and restore their rivers and streams. Their Resource Library has good information for local groups – all free! Apply the “FUNDRAISING AND GRANTS” category filter to see publications relating to this topic.
This webpage has a downloadable spreadsheet that lists activities that watershed groups commonly need to have funded and matches them up with specific grants and other funding sources.
Find the community foundation your group may access via this web-interfaced list. Not only are community foundations sources of local funding, but also employ professionals who can assist you in your fundraising efforts.
This checklist helps you to determine whether or not you are ready to start fundraising. If it turns out you are not, it helps to outline what you need to do first.
This corporate appeal letter is part of the fundraising campaign used by a successful Indiana land trust. Take a look to learn how to sell your program.
This Web-based module tells you what you need to know to prepare a budget, identify potential funding sources and strategies, and include nonmonetary returns in your funding strategy. Upon completion of this module, you should be able to write a financial plan for your watershed group.
Resources provided by River Network that describes an ideal funding schema for watershed groups and river organizations. Use the information provided to compare where your group is now to the goals set in the presentation.
Sustainable funding is more than just getting the money in hand. This guide provides the context that a group needs in order to be successful in carrying out its mission. Though based in the U.K., the NCVO’s Introductory Pack on Funding and Finance contains information relevant to Indiana’s watershed groups.