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Consultants Prequalification

In order to compete for consultant or subconsultant work items to provide part of the services for an INDOT project, firms must first be prequalified by the Department. Consultant prequalification is governed by the Consultant Prequalification Manual. The manual outlines the rules and procedures for consultant prequalification and lists the experiential and certification requirements for each consultant work type.

To apply for consultant prequalification, firms must complete the electronic application housed in the Professional Services Contracting System (PSCS) in ITAP. For more information about how to access and enroll in ITAP and PSCS please refer to the ITAP Quick Start Guide.

Prequalified consulting firms can compete for INDOT work advertised on Requests for Proposals (RFPs) published by the Department.  A merit based selection process is employed to identify which company will be awarded each RFP item. INDOT’s consultant selection system is centered on the requirement of Ind. Code § 8-23-2-12 that contracts for professional services be based on “competence and qualifications for the type of service to be performed.”

Consultant Prequalification Links:

Other Relevant Links:

Contact Information

Matt Sutton
Prequalification Engineer
Indiana Department of Transportation
100 N. Senate Ave. IGCN N725-PQ
Indianapolis, IN 46204

John Leming
Consultant Prequalification Analyst
Indiana Department of Transportation
100 N. Senate Ave. IGCN N725-PQ
Indianapolis, IN 46204

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