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Complimentary Services

Certified DBEs have access to the following services and tools at no cost to them:

Business Plan

This document outlines goals for your business and how to achieve them

Marketing Plan

This document outlines how to reach marketing objectives for your business

Capability Statement

This document highlights your business’s services or products

Business Website

A consultant will design and host a website for your business

Bid Matching System

DBEs will receive access to an online platform that organizes project bids by work type.

Business Development Program

This multisession learning opportunity educates participants on how to go beyond business fundamentals and take their business to the next level.

Online Power Session

These virtual 30-minute meetings educate participants on topics needed for success such as payroll, safety, and estimating.

If your business is a certified DBE and you would like to take advantage of these complimentary services, please send requests to

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