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Online Submission of INDOT Permit Applications

INDOT Permits is paperless! All permit applicants are now required to use INDOT’s Electronic Permitting System (EPS) when seeking a permit and making an electronic payment. INDOT is working to modernize and increase productivity to better improve our service offerings, and EPS makes it easy to apply for and update a permit. Utilizing INDOT’s online system allows customers to track and manage their permits, enable direct email access to track communications, and provides a repository for all documents relevant to the permit. Once registered to use EPS, the applicant can just follow the instruction prompts for submitting the application package. All permit applications must be submitted electronically, however, certain exceptions will be allowed by law.

Guide to Outdoor Advertising  

The INDOT Guide to Outdoor Advertising provides resources to understand Indiana’s outdoor advertising control program including the full text of the applicable Indiana Administrative Code and other Federal and State laws and regulations. It also offers guidance on how to apply for, and maintain, the required permits using EPS. Sections include walk-throughs to register for an account with EPS and to submit a permit application along with accompanying documentation and the fee.

Outdoor Advertising Control Routes

Information on Indiana roadways subject to outdoor advertising control and permitting requirements is now available as an ArcGIS map. Questions regarding Control Routes can be directed to the District Permits staff or

Apply For a Permit Using EPS

INDOT enables you to apply for permits online using EPS

Certain permits will require a maintenance agreement to conduct work in State right-of-way. The process can take between 90 to 120 days. If a maintenance agreement is required, a permit will not be issued until there is a fully executed agreement in place. Contact your district permits office for questions and early coordination.

EPS Login:

See links below for more information on specific types of permits:

Type of PermitApplication Fee
Outdoor Advertising Sign Permit New Application: $100
Addendum: $100
Transfer of ownership of sign: $40
Replacement tag: $25
Right-of-Way Occupancy Permit $55
Broadband Access Permit $55
Driveway Permit See Driveway Permit page
Railroad Permit $1,150
Miscellaneous Permit $15

EPS Customer User Guide

INDOT Permits Forms

Review of Permit Applications

Type of PermitExpected Review Time
Outdoor Advertising Sign 30 Calendar Days
Railroad 30 Calendar Days
Short Term Permit (Right-of-Way Occupancy, Broadband Access, Miscellaneous, and Addendum) 30 Calendar Days
Long Term Permit (Right-of-Way Occupancy, Broadband Access, Miscellaneous) 90 Calendar Days
Driveway Permits, other than those listed separately below 90 Calendar Days
Private Drive 30 Calendar Days
Commercial Drive in limited-access right-of-way 280 Calendar Days

INDOT Permits Resources


Permits Guidebooks and Policies

Other Guidance Regarding Specific Types of Permits

Other Related Resources

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