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North Split Reconstruction Project

The North Split Reconstruction Project will upgrade the interchange where I‑65 and I‑70 meet in downtown Indianapolis. The North Split is the second-most heavily traveled interchange in Indiana. Pavement and bridges in the interchange area require rehabilitation or replacement due to their poor structural condition. The North Split Project will also improve safety and operations for the 214,000 motorists who use it daily.

Portions of the North Split interchange were built 50 years ago and the interchange is at the end of its useful life. The Project will improve the safety and operations of the interchange and includes replacement or rehabilitation of all bridges and replacement or construction of approximately 27 lane–miles of pavement.

The North Split interchange is operating at full capacity and crash rates are higher than statewide averages for urban interstates. Traffic regularly slows or stops during peak travel periods. The configuration of the existing interchange creates “weaving” conflicts as motorists cross paths to reach their destination, leading to crashes and congestion in the North Split.

INDOT released the North Split Alternatives Screening Report, which analyzes a range of preliminary alternatives and identifies the Alternative 4c as the preferred alternative to be evaluated in greater detail in the Environmental Assessment (EA), which will continue with public involvement and further analysis into 2019 and 2020.

Preliminary Selection and Public Hearing Notice

Selected Proposal

Technical Provisions

Public Private Agreement

Project Financial Plan

Request for Qualification Documents

Short-Listed Proposer Teams

Addendum #2

Addendum #1

All communication with the I–65/I–70 North Split procurement team:

Issue Request for QualificationsApril 4, 2019
Deadline for questions regarding the RFQ and any addenda, if any, issued before April 12, 2019April 15, 2019
Deadline for questions regarding any addenda, if any, issued on or after April 12, 2019Three calendar days after the addendum is issued unless otherwise provided in the addendum (but no later than three calendar days prior to the SOQ Due Date)
SOQ Due DateMay 17, 2019 by noon Eastern Daylight-Saving Time (EDT)
Anticipated Announcement of Short-Listed ProposersJune 12, 2019

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