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INDOT resources include information about Lettings, subcontractor approval, downloads, economic bidding and application support.

Letting Information

SiteXchange: Request for Subcontract Approval

SiteXchange Information

Please contact the INDOT District Office who administers your contract for all Subcontractor Request for Approval questions. The District Office contact numbers may be found within the contract proposal. The SiteXchange® Application is an electronic system that allows the Prime contractor to add subcontractor data that was previously collected and submitted on a paper form. INDOT will use the SiteXchange contract files as replacement for the paper form IC-730 Request for Approval of Subcontractor.

Video tutorial (WMV format) 

SiteXchange Email List

To receive SiteXchange information like updates, outages, training information, etc., subscribe to the email list.

SiteXchange Requirements

To access SiteXchange contract files, prime contractors must request SiteXchange Contract File Access application, after registering through the following INDOT portal:

SiteXchange application (SubCon.exe) must be downloaded to your computer. This application is used to open the SiteXchange contract files.

The Vendor.bin file must be downloaded to your computer to activate the vendor list within the SubCon.exe.

SiteXchange Downloads

Prime contractors can email SiteXchange process and technical questions to:

District EEO Contacts

Electronic Bidding System

Electronic Bidding System Bid Express is the secure internet bidding website that contractors use to submit their bids to INDOT. After contractors register with Bid Express they can use the AASHTOWare Project Bids software (available for download at Bid Express website) to prepare and submit their bids.

To download AASHTOWare Project Bids software, please follow these steps:

1. Go to
2. Select 'Indiana Department of Transportation' in the drop down menu and click 'Go'.
3. Click on the ‘Download bidding software’ link in the 'Downloads' section of the INDOT tab.
4. After agreement to the license by clicking the check box, click the 'Install Bid Component' button to download the software.

Application Support

If you have questions regarding an INDOT application or need to report a technical issue associated with an application, please click the link below:

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