The INDOT Standards and Policy Division maintains this webpage to provide resources that support the design and development of INDOT bridge and road projects.
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General Design
- Indiana Design Manual (IDM)
- INDOT Standards and Specification Homepage
- INDOT Standard Drawings
- Curb Ramp References
- Design Memos (IDM, Standards, and policy updates)
- Design Manual Editable Documents
- Maps for Designers (Traffic Statistics, NHS and more)
- INDOT Records and Documents Request Form Historical construction plans and right of way information from INDOT's archives. This request form is not to be used for the contract bidding process.
- Obsolete standard drawing requests must be made seperately. Send the request to and include the title sheet or appropriate plan sheet with the standard identified.
- INDOT Technical Applications Pathway (ITAP)
- Design Submittal (ERMS)
- Project Commitments Database
Letting Documents
- Unique Special Provisions
- All USPs must be submitted for review and approval through SharePoint. You must be a member of the INDOT Unique Special Provisions team via Microsoft Teams to access the SharePoint. Click here for more information.
- Recurring Special Provisions
Plan Production
- INDOT Typical Plans (Bridge)
- Curb Ramp Sample Plan Details
- INDOT CAD Support
- INDOT CAD Standards Manual
- CAD Standards Style Sheet
- Sample INDOT Borders, Full-Size (added Mar. 2014)
- Sample INDOT Custom Linestyles (added Mar. 2014)
Design Submittal
- ERMS Information
- ERMS Naming Convention
- Example Email Notification
- INDOT Consultant Performance Evaluation Guidelines (Consultants Homepage)
Road Design
- Guardrail Resource
- RoadHAT Practice Pointers for Design Exceptions
- Complete Streets Program
- Pipe Material Selection Program
- ADA Design
IHSDM Update with INDOT Specific Files
- Indiana IHSDM Calibration Guide
- INDOT Approved Crash Reduction Factor (CRF) / Crash Modification Factor (CMF) Values
Bridge Design
Bridge Management
Engineering Assessment
Pavement Design
Traffic and Traffic Safety
- Intersection Decision Guide
- Interstate Access Request Procedures
- Interstate Access Programmatic Agreement
- Intersection Traffic Analysis Procedures (New)
- INDOT Guidelines for Portable Changeable Message Signs
- Indiana Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (IMUTCD)
- Federal Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD)
- Standard Highway Signs and Markings
- INDOT Lighting Policy
Work Zone Safety
- INDOT Interstate Highways Congestion Policy
- INDOT Work Zone Safety & Mobility Policy (New in 2015)
- Additional Work Zone Safety Resources
- National Work Zone Safety Information Clearinghouse
- Guidelines on the Use of Positive Protection in Temporary Traffic Control Zones
- Applying ADA in Work Zones - A Practitioner's Guide
- Portable Positive Protection: A Guide for Short Duration and Short Term Work Zones
- Guidance: Use of Work Zone Clear Zones, Buffer Spaces, and Positive Protection Deflection Distances
- Work Zone Positive Protection Toolbox
Stay current on Environmental Services manuals, policies changes, and training schedule by subscribing to Marketing Cloud.
Environmental Services Division Homepage
- Noise Policy
- Waterway Permit Manual
- Approved list of Wetland Delineators for INDOT Project Contractors
Project Commitment Documents
The project commitments database provides documentation regarding project commitments and their resolution from inception through design and onto construction. The project commitments report is required for all projects.
- Database Procedure
- Environmental Commitments Guidelines
- "Getting Started" Help Document
- Import Spreadsheet - Commitments Database
Utilities and Railroad
Project Management
Capital Program Management Homepage
Geotechnical Division Homepage
Contact Information