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To access INDOTs Local Programs applications locals are required to have an INDOT Technical Application Pathway (ITAP) Business account linked to their local agency, and a registered User linked to their local agency to apply for Community Crossings funds. To gain access to ITAP and all applications within ITAP locals must first create an Access Indiana account.

IMPORTANT All users must have their own individual unique Access Indiana and INDOT ITAP accounts.

Business = The local government agency.     User = The individual employee.


Access Indiana is a statewide effort to improve the user experience when accessing government services through creation of a portal where Hoosiers can access, link, and manage their online accounts for multiple state agencies.  This secure, easy to use service provides an efficient way to access multiple state services through one sign-on process.

If your agency has never done online business with INDOT before, your local government will need to enroll as a New Business in Access Indiana first.

  • Almost all businesses (locals) already exist within ITAP.  Verify your local is not listed in Access Indiana / ITAP before you create a New Business account.
  • A business is the city, town, or county, not a department within that government unit.
  • Locals will need to know their Federal Tax ID to complete their Access Indiana enrollment.
  • The enrollment and approval process can take up to 1 week to complete.

If you are a New User, click the link for Access Indiana’s Getting Started webpage for instructions for Signing Up for a New Account, or click on ITAP Quick Start Guide for instruction on ‘How to Create an Access Indiana Account.

  • New employees cannot re-use a past employee’s username and password to apply for / submit a CCMG application.  The username must match either the LPA Official Contact or LPA Project Contact listed on the CCMG application.
  • The New Users email address must be a personalized email address like
  • Generic emails like mayor@, streetdept@, clerk@, or townofhere@ will no longer be allowed.
  • Locals must not share their username and/or password with other employees or consultants due to INDOT Business Rules.
  • Users must be full-time employees of the local government to register.

Once an Access Indiana account has been created and the local has completed and submitted the New User Request in ITAP, the request will be approved by the Business Primary User.

  • If no Business Primary User exists, the request will be approved by ITAP Security.
  • Upon approval the New User will have access to ITAP applications.
  • All local Users automatically get access to the CCMG application.

If you have an existing Access Indiana account and ITAP access, go to to login to ITAP. The link will navigate you to the Access Indiana login page. Once you enter an email address and password, you will be taken to the ITAP Dashboard upon a successful sign in.

To report issues with your accounts, go to

  1. Click the ‘Contact’ icon on the Homepage of ITAP.
  2. Choose applicable ‘Help Topic’.
  3. State issue(s) in the ‘Message’.
  4. Click ‘Submit’.

If you have questions or are unsure if your agency is enrolled, contact Michael Cales at for ITAP support.

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