Indiana has 14 Metropolitan Planning Organizations (MPO), click the links below to find out more information.
As of August 2014, the Right-of-Way review process is now conducted through INDOT’s Central Office. The following resources relate to the Right-of-Way phase of an LPA project. LPA Right-of-Way parcel forms or the updated MAP-21 Relocation information can be found in Buying Forms within the Real Estate Manuals.
To remain an eligible sub-recipient for federal funding through INDOT, all LPAs must maintain their compliance with civil rights laws and nondiscrimination policies and procedures.
To ensure you are compliant with Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and the Americans with Disabilities act requirements, please visit our resource page for subrecipients of federal funds. Here you will find our technical assistance tool, templates for all required program and policy documents, and links to register for upcoming training opportunities.
INDOT no longer requires a precertification survey be completed annually. Instead, your program documents should be updated once every year by submitting them to INDOT at This same inbox may be used for questions related to Title VI and ADA compliance.