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Federal Discretionary Grant Information

Bipartisan Infrastructure Law - Discretionary Grants

Visit the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law page to learn about the law and find grant opportunities.

On-Call Environmental Review Consultants for USDOT Discretionary Grants

INDOT recently selected four prequalified consulting firms who are available to assist and support locals on NEPA reviews.  Any project using federal funds is required to complete a NEPA Document.  These selected on-call consultants can assist local units of governments and design consultants on the review of their NEPA documents.

INDOT has a FAQ that is available for review here.

LTAP has agreed to help coordinate the consultant assignments.  You can contact Jen Sharkey at for more information on selecting one of these on-call consultants.

New Process for Applying for Federal Grant - State Budget Agency Federal Assistance Process

During the last legislative session (2019) the Indiana Code was revised to require approval from the State Budget Agency before participating in federal assistance opportunities, which includes: applying for federal assistance, submitting a federal form required to receive federal assistance and requesting or accepting amendments to a federal award. This includes all grant funds that come into INDOT regardless of who requested the grant.  As you are aware all federal transportation awards are received by INDOT and then passed through to the local entities and others through a federal aid project. We are requesting that any local unit of government, that has sought or will seek federal grants under RAISE, INFRA, or any USDOT sponsored program, work with their local district program director to complete the necessary documentation required by the State Budget Agency.

It is important to keep in mind that INDOT needs at least a 45-day lead prior to the application deadline. The District Office will work with INDOT’s Project Finance Division to secure the proper authority for grant submittal.  Because the federal funds flow through INDOT and INDOT is required to notify the State Budget Agency of possible additional federal funding it is imperative that we all work together.

  • Community Crossings Matching Grant (CCMG) does not include federal funds, and does not require LPA’s to complete this procedure; CCMG are state funds.
  • LPA’s are not required to complete this procedure to apply for INDOT’s Notice of Funding Availability (NOFA) federal call for projects, or for any federal funds allocated yearly to any MPO.
  • LPA’s should only follow this procedure when applying for other federally funded opportunities such as RAISE grants, INFRA, or USDOT sponsored programs that will be applied to a current local federal aid approved transportation project.

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