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Indiana Test Methods Index

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Indiana Test Methods Index
ITM No. Effective Date Contact Person Title
ITM 1 5/6/2021  M. Beeson Indiana test method procedures
ITM 202 6/16/2015 K. Cummins Acid insoluble content of fine aggregate
ITM 203 5/6/2021 M. Ehrhart Control procedures for classification of aggregates
ITM 205 5/9/2017 M. Ehrhart Acceptance procedures for dolomite aggregates
ITM 206 6/16/2015 M. Ehrhart Scratch hardness of coarse aggregate particles
ITM 207 12/18/2023M. Ehrhart Sampling stockpiled aggregates
ITM 208 6/16/2015 M. Zaheer Permeability of aggregates
ITM 209 6/16/2015 M. Ehrhart Soundness of aggregates by freezing and thawing in a brine solution
ITM 210 8/10/2023M. Ehrhart Class AP coarse aggregate
ITM 21111/26/2024M. Ehrhart Certified aggregate producer program
ITM 212 8/1/2019 M. Ehrhart Acceptance procedure of air cooled blast furnace slag for leachate determination
ITM 214 11/29/2016 M. Ehrhart Acceptance procedures for polish resistant aggregates
ITM 215 6/16/2015 N. Siddiki Recycled foundry sand toxicity test
ITM 216 4/4/2008 M. Nelson Lightweight dynamic cone penetrometer testing of flowable backfill
ITM 217 6/16/2015 M. Nelson Dry flow testing of flowable backfill
ITM 218 6/16/2015 M. Nelson Dry unit weight for flowable backfill
ITM 219 7/14/2022 M. Ehrhart Acceptance procedures for steel furnace slag for deleterious materials
ITM 220 6/16/2015 N. Awwad Class AS aggregate for use in SMA mixture
ITM 221 11/8/2018 N. Awwad Acceptance Procedures for HMA Surface Mixture Coarse Aggregates for ESAL10,000,000
ITM 222 11/12/2015 M. Nelson Specific Gravity Factor and Absorption of Lightweight Fine Aggregate
ITM 224 11/10/2021 M. Ehrhart Flakiness Index of Aggregates
ITM 225 3/26/2018 M. Ehrhart Acceptance Procedures for Aggregate Drainage Layers
ITM 2262/6/2025M. Ehrhart Acceptance Procedures for Concrete Coarse Aggregates
ITM 3012/6/2025J. Reilman Reinforcing Bar, Dowel Bar, and Welded Wire Reinforcement Certification Program
ITM 401 6/16/2015 M. Nelson High pressure air content of hardened portland cement concrete
ITM 402 2/6/2020 M. Nelson Strength of portland cement concrete pavement (PCCP) using the maturity method utilizing the time temperature factor methodology
ITM 4032/21/2025M. Nelson Water-cementitious ratio
ITM 404 6/16/2015 M. Nelson PCCP core length determination
ITM 4058/10/2023M. Nelson Portland cement concrete plant inspection
ITM 407 2/7/2019 M. Nelson Tensile Bond Pull-Off Test
ITM 408 8/15/2022 M. Nelson Real-Time In-Place Compressive Strength of Concrete Using Electromechanical Resonance
ITM 505 6/16/2015 M. Zaheer Five-cycle slake resistance test on shale
ITM 506 5/4/2023N. Siddiki Field determination of moisture content of soil
ITM 507 11/10/2021 N. Siddiki Determination of calcium/magnesium carbonate content in soils using sequential loss on ignition test
ITM 5082/6/2025N. Siddiki Field determination of deflection using light weight deflectometer
ITM 509 7/14/2022 N. Siddiki Field determination of Strength Using Dynamic Cone Penetrometer
ITM 510 4/17/2013 N. Siddiki Determining Sulfate Content in Soils by Colorimetric Method
ITM 511 4/17/2013 N. Siddiki Jar Slake Test
ITM 51211/13/2024N. Siddiki Field Determination of Maximum Dry Density and Optimum Moisture Content of Soil
ITM 513 2/4/2021 N. Siddiki Determining Target Intelligent Compaction Measurement Value of Soil
ITM 514 11/05/2020 N. Siddiki Test Sections for Aggregates and Recycled Materials
ITM 515 11/12/2015 N. Siddiki Determination of the Quality of the Soil Plant Growth Layer
ITM 516 11/05/2020 N. Siddiki Spreading, Mixing and Identification of Chemical Modifiers in Soil Stabilization Construction
ITM 517 11/10/2021 N. Siddiki Percolation and Infiltration Tests
ITM 51812/18/2023S. ClawsonInstallation and Abandonment Procedures for Inclinometer
ITM 5198/1/2024N. SiddikiDetermining Phosphorous Content in Soils by Spectrophotometric Method
ITM 5208/1/2024N. SiddikiDetermining Potassium Content in Soils by Spectrophotometric Method
ITM 52111/07/2024N. SiddikiLWD-verification procedure
ITM 571 3/1/2021 N. Awwad Quantitative extraction of asphalt/binder and gradation of extracted aggregate from HMA mixtures
ITM 572 6/16/2015 N. Awwad Drying HMA mixtures
ITM 573 8/5/2021 N. Awwad Determining the Potential of Water Stripping in HMA Pavements
ITM 57411/07/2024N. AwwadHMA Mix Design Laboratory Requirements
ITM 576 12/18/2023J. Galetka Laboratory evaluation of anti-adhesive agents
ITM 579 6/16/2015 N. Awwad Quantity determination of asphalt materials and aggregates for seal coats
ITM 5802/6/2025N. Awwad Sampling HMA
ITM 581.111/26/2024N. AwwadPerformance-Graded Asphalt Binder Supplier Program (for use on contracts let BEFORE 9/1/2024 or with PG 64-22, PG 70-22, or PG 76-22 binders)
ITM 581.211/26/2024N. AwwadPerformance-Graded Asphalt Binder Supplier Program (for use on contracts let ON or AFTER 9/1/2024 or with PG58S-28, PG58H-28, or PG58E-28 binders)
ITM 583.111/26/2024N. AwwadCertified Hot Mix Asphalt Producer Program (for use on contracts let BEFORE 9/1/2024 or with PG 64-22, PG 70-22, or PG 76-22 binders)
ITM 583.211/26/2024N. AwwadCertified Hot Mix Asphalt Producer Program (for use on contracts let ON or AFTER 9/1/2024 or with PG58S-28, PG58H-28, or PG58E-28 binders)
ITM 584 2/7/2019 N. Awwad Bulk specific gravity of aggregate blends in HMA mixtures
ITM 586 6/16/2015 N. Awwad Asphalt content by ignition
ITM 587 3/1/2021 N. Awwad Reducing HMA samples to testing size
ITM 588 4/4/2008 N. Awwad Percent Within Limits (PWL)
ITM 589 4/17/2013 N. Awwad Asphalt Binder Film Thickness
ITM 590 5/10/2018 N. Awwad Total Aggregate Bulk Specific Gravity Determination from Extracted HMA or SMA Mixture
ITM 591 5/7/2020 N. Awwad Delta Pb (ΔPb) Determination for Dense Graded HMA or SMA Mixtures
ITM 592 8/10/2023N. Awwad Mix Design Procedure for Cold Recycling (CR) with Asphalt Emulsion
ITM 59311/26/2024N. Awwad Asphalt Emulsion Supplier Certification Program
ITM 594 5/7/2020 N. Awwad Mix Design Procedure for Full Depth Reclamation (FDR) with Asphalt Emulsion
ITM 595 11/3/2022 N. Awwad Mix Design Procedure for Full Depth Reclamation (FDR) with Cement
ITM 596 12/18/2023N. Awwad Alternative Method for Determining Bulk Specific Gravity of Reclaimed Asphalt Pavement
ITM 597 2/7/2019 N. Awwad QC/QA HMA Gsb Procedures
ITM 5985/4/2023 N. Awwad Mass Retention of Emulsified Asphalts Subjected to Water Droplets
ITM 599 8/5/2021 N. Awwad Identification of Penetrating Emulsified Asphalts
ITM 60611/07/2024K. CumminsQualified Product List Procedures and Requirements for Structural Steel Coating Systems
ITM 60711/18/2023K. CumminsQualified product list requirements for organic zinc primer and waterborne coatings
ITM 801 6/16/2015 N. Awwad Determining asphalt content of preformed expansion joint fillers for concrete paving and structural construction
ITM 802 9/23/2021 J. Reilman Random sampling
ITM 803 2/26/2020 J. Reilman Contractor quality control plans (for use on contracts let BEFORE 9/1/2022)
ITM 8038/10/2023J. Reilman Contractor quality control plans (for use on contracts let ON OR AFTER 9/1/2022)
ITM 80411/07/2024J. ReilmanMaterial Certification and Qualified Product List Application Forms
ITM 8062/6/2025J. Reilman Qualified Products List Requirements
ITM 807 2/26/2020 M. Nelson Laboratory testing of chemical anchor systems
ITM 808 6/16/2015 M. Nelson Laboratory testing of PCC sealer/healers
ITM 810 4/15/2024 J. Reilman Sampling deicing material
ITM 811 6/16/2015 K. Cummins Sampling bulk containers of glass beads
ITM 812 4/5/2017 N. Awwad Macrotexture of milled pavement
ITM 81311/26/2024M. Nelson Certified precast concrete producer program
ITM 814 2/26/2020 M. Nelson Certified precast prestressed concrete producer program
ITM 902 2/10/2022 H. Phillips Verifying sieves
ITM 903 6/16/2015 H. Phillips Verifying ovens
ITM 905 12/8/2021 H. Phillips Verifying Vacuum Chambers
ITM 9064/5/2024H. Phillips Verifying mechanical shakers
ITM 908 11/3/2022 H. Phillips Verifying calibration settings for superpave gyratory compactors
ITM 909 6/16/2015 H. Phillips Verifying thermometers
ITM 910 4/11/2022 H. Phillips Verifying balances
ITM 911 8/16/2017 H. Phillips Verifying slump cones
ITM 9126/16/2015J. Reilman Profilographs
ITM 9145/2/2024N. Siddiki Verifying Soil Test Molds
ITM 915 8/5/2021 N. Siddiki Verifying Soils Compaction Rammers
ITM 916 12/18/2023H. Phillips Verification of Calipers
ITM 917


J. Blanchard Inertial Profilers
ITM 93011/13/2024 D. Boruff Procedure for outdoor weathering evaluation and approval list requirements for reflective sheeting materials
ITM 9315/2/2024D. Boruff Measurement of retroreflective pavement marking materials
ITM 932 12/29/2020 Je. Kruger Procedure for bench testing, field testing, and approval list requirements for traffic controller cabinet components
ITM 933 5/4/2023Je. Kruger Procedure for bench testing, field testing, and approval list requirements for 12 inch light emitting diode (LED) traffic signal modules
ITM 934 6/16/2015 Je. Kruger Procedure for evaluating vehicle detection performance
ITM 935 6/16/2015 Je. Kruger Procedure for bench testing, field testing, and approval list requirements for external time clocks
ITM 936 6/16/2015 Je. Kruger Procedure for bench testing, field testing, and approval list requirements for video vehicle detectors
ITM 937 11/8/2018 Je. Kruger Procedure for bench testing, field testing, and approval list requirements for accessible pedestrian signals (APS)
ITM 947 6/16/2015 Je. Kruger Procedure for bench testing, field evaluation, and approval list requirements for spread spectrum radio modems
ITM 948 6/16/2015 Je. Kruger Procedure for bench testing, field testing and approval list requirements for 5 ghz unlicensed frequency band radios
ITM 949 6/16/2015 Je. Kruger Procedure for bench testing, field testing and approval list requirements for ITS AFP controllers
ITM 950 6/16/2015 Je. Kruger Procedure for bench testing, field testing and approval list requirements for ITS Ethernet switches
ITM 951 6/16/2015 Je. Kruger Procedure for bench testing, field testing, and approval list requirements for high speed camera dome with pan-tilt-zoom
ITM 953 6/16/2015 Je. Kruger Procedure for bench testing, field testing, and approval list requirements for microwave vehicle radar
ITM 954 6/16/2015 D. Boruff Procedure for bench testing, field testing and approval list requirements for wireless vehicle detection systems (WVDS)
ITM 955 11/08/2018 D. Boruff Procedure for Evaluation and Approved List Requirements for Automated Flagger Assistance Devices
ITM 956 2/7/2019 D. Boruff Procedure for Evaluation and Approval List Requirements for Portable Traffic Signals
ITM 9572/2/2023D. Boruff Procedure for Evaluation and Approval List Requirements for Solid State Ballasted Luminaires
ITM 958 11/10/2021 D. Boruff Procedure for Evaluation and QPL Requirements for ADA-Compliant Work Zone Devices
ITM 9592/2/2023D. BoruffProcedure for Evaluation and QPL Requirements for Pavement Marking Beads

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